Last year, I wrote out a list of some of the things that I learned in the past year. So I have decided to start doing it every year. Therefore, I present my list!

2008 has been a crazy year! So many things have happened, some good, and some bad.

1. God will bring me through even the most incomprehensible situations- When I think about what I have been through this year, I never thought that I would have made it. When I found out that my grandfather had passed away, my heart broke. And slowly, it is mending. When I started the fall semester of school, I had no life for 4 months. Yet, through sweat, tears, and many sleepless nights, I got through it, and was rewarded for my hard work.

2. Tell people what they mean to you- I made a choice to tell people that I was thankful and blessed to have them in my life. Sometimes I got a response, sometimes not. Those that responded to my letters blessed me more than I possible could have them. But telling the particular people was the greatest joy. I enjoyed knowing that I made someone smile, through my thankfulness.

3. Sometimes God is the only one that understands- Lately I have been totally and utterly confused. Unfortunately, there is no one to blame. And I am beginning to realize that God knows what is going on, and that he knew that I would be and will continue to be confused until His timing is right.

4. Sometimes it is not the end result, but the process that counts- Many things that have happened to me have resulted in me learning something. The end result was not the most important thing. I have learned that what I thought I could do is in no way comparable to my actual ability. I have made connections in my education, in my comprehension of life and my beliefs.

5. I deserve good things- I have learned, through a lot of soul searching, that I deserve things beyond my expectations. I deserve the guy that looks at me and thinks, "wow". I deserve the job that makes me want to get up and devote time to my students. I deserve the things that God has planned for me, no matter how long I must wait.

6. The things that do not come easy are the most satisfying- I had to work a lot this year. My grades did not come easy since I have been at HBU. I have worked for each of the grades and have been rewarded. Seeing the 3.4 for the semester was the best Christmas present ever. It gave me the inspiration to do that much better next semester.

I have gone through an array of emotions throughout this year. Confusion, sorrow, anger, and happiness to name a few. But looking back over the past year, I do not know that I would change things. I have no idea what God's full plan for me is, but I do know that He is there, cheering and wiping my tears. I also know that I am stronger, and braver because of all that I have gone through. I have grown leaps and bounds in my relationship with God and in understanding myself. That is something that I will never regret.

Happy New Years to all, and may this year bring peace, happiness, and love to your lives.

My big brother, Keith, and his girlfriend, Sarah......are engaged!!! I am so happy for them. Sarah's parents and brother spent Christmas with them and Keith asked her dad for permission to marry her!! Did I say that I was excited for them? Talking with Keith, it looks like it will be a summer wedding after she graduates (2010) That means that not only will Sarah, Russell (possibly) and I all graduate, but Keith and her will get married in her hometown! We have already decided that Meagan will be the only one that gets to have Christmas that year!!

Anyways... the happy couple are perfect for each other. They are both weird and quirky, and she fits in PERFECTLY with our family!

I am sitting here at my brother's house, listening to my mom wrap last minute presents, and my brother and dad play the Wii. Although some might think that these are unusual sounds to hear on Christmas Eve, to me, they are precious memories. My family is big, and because of that, we are required to do big family Christmases on other weekends. My mom's side celebrates the first weekend of December, while my dad's side has chosen to celebrate the weekend before Christmas. Because my brother works at a church, he usually has to to a service, and so my immediate family is up in Texarkana for this week.

As a child, I remember going to the Christmas Eve Candleight service at FUMC Pearland at 11:00. My dad and mom used to sing in the choir, so my brothers and I would sit with friends and listen to the carols and Christmas Story as it was read. After the service, we would all go home and try to sleep. This usually didn't work until around 2 or so :)

In the morning, we would wake up, have breakfast and see what fun stuff Santa brought us. After the flurry of paper settled and we thanked Mom and Dad, we would open the stockings. Personally, this was always my favorite part. We usually got socks and underwear, but Santa would make sure that we each got special treats too.

After the gifts, mom would cook and then we would pack up for the 5 min drive over to my grandma's house. Here I would instantly find Mary, my cousin that is my age, and we would exchange Christmas stories and talk about our presents. Then came food.... and was there a lot of it!!! My aunts and mom would spread the food out and let us devour it! The kids were done in a matter of minutes and then would proceed to the TV room to sit in front of the tree, waiting for the moment that we could open gifts. The adults would take an ETERNITY to eat and would usually tell us that we had to do the dishes before present time. We would all trudge into the kitchen, wash dishes as quickly as possible and then run back to the tree. Finally, it would be present time!! We would play with whatever toys we recieved and would then start the game time.
In the Martin household, pinochle is a must. It is a partner card game that takes entirely too long to explain. It is fun, and for those that don't know how to play, you will just have to trust me :) All of the adults, and older grandkids would sit to start the pnochle marathon while the younger kids would play boardgames, go outside, or watch a movie.

This generally would be our Christmas every year until I was in juniorhigh. Sometimes the whole family would be there, sometimes not. But no matter what, we would spend the whole day together, playing games, talking and enjoying everyone. This is why Christmas is my favorite season

This picture was taken last year. It is Meagan, Me, Keith, Sarah, and Russell.
Santa (aka Keith) left them in our stockings last year for us to enjoy and embarass mom and dad with :)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Last night, for some holiday fun, Russell, Meagan, and I made gingerbread cookies! It was so much fun! I made the cookies and then we all decorated them. I chose a few of the good ones and you can view the rest of them by clicking here

School Pride!!


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Dear GOD

12:15 AM | 0 Comments

Dear God,
Thank you for being my father in heaven. I am thankful for the men that you placed in my life. My earthly father(s), brothers, uncles and friends. What an incredible bunch of Godly men. Thank you for the life you have blessed me with and the time that I was able to spend with my grandfather. Thank you for the gift of friendship with my best friend and the incredible impact she has had on my life. Thank you for the two most wonderful "sisters" and the love and devotion they have for you and my brothers. I believe (although I might be bias) that I have the two best brothers that anyone could ask for. One's love and devotion to you is inspiring and the other one has love just as strong although he may not be as open about it.
Thank you for a strong mother that has my best interest at heart. We may not see eye to eye, but I would not be who I am without her.
Thank you for the gift of music and the ability to glorify You with it. It is exciting to be able to perform a piece of music and hear it go through the rafters and into the heavens.
Thank you for the ability to draw and to use this gift to show my faith. It is wonderful to sit with a piece of paper, listen to music, and just draw. It almost always ends up being some sort of symbol of my faith.
Thank you for my passion of teaching children. They are the future of this world, and I am honored that You have allowed me to be able to work with them. I know that through them, I am able to change the place where I live.
Thank you for all of my hardships. Without these, I would not be who I am. I would have never become the strong, independent woman that I am today. Without the trials, I would not have come to realize what an important part of my life you and your love is.
Thank you for the opportunity to attend such a wonderful school and receive and education that will be vital to me continuing what you have planned for me.
Thank you for loving me so much that you have provided for me through everything. You know my heart and know what is best for me, even when I may not see it. You know which path I am to walk down and who I am to meet. You know where I will go and what I am to do. You love with out conditions and will never fail me.
Thank you~
Your Loving Daughter
I have decided to make an effort to be incredibly honest on this blog, to the point of humiliation and embarrassment to myself. I promise not to embarrass anyone else but myself, and will NEVER put someone down or single them out. I feel however that some of the things that I am going through may be able to help others in my situation, as embarrassing as it may be. I firmly believe that everything that is happening in my life has or will happen to someone else. As a Christian, single girl, it is important for us to stick together and support each other, through the good, bad and ugly :)

I have been going through a lot of woe is me time. Woe is me that my grandfather died, and woe is me that I am one of the only ones of my friends/family without a special someone. Woe is me that I have not graduated yet and woe is me that I still live at home. Are all these things bad? No! Are they things that bother me no matter what others say? YES! But all of these things are not major issues...they all have a common thread. They all have to deal with the fact that I want something to come easy to me, for once in my life. It is hard being the one that sits back and waits...seeing everyone else get married, receive that dream job or apartment. It is hard to answer the questions at family gatherings and friends' parties. It is frustrating to think that something is going one way, and then realizing that in a second, they are going another. It is hard to be "just a friend".
Does this mean that I should throw a temper tantrum and curl in a ball? I wish...but I keep trudging along. Sitting through class and doing my best on everything; going on many first dates, or no dates at all. Keeping the peace with my parents until graduation day and I can finally move. I realize that in my heart is where I keep the things that are vital to my existence... God, my family (no matter how much they drive me crazy) and my hopes and dreams.
Why is it that when a friend is going through a trial, we give advice. I catch myself telling people what I would do, or that they should do this... Can't someone just tell me.."you know, that sucks, and I am so sorry that you are going through this" I realize that you are glad that you aren't dating anymore. I know that God has that someone special for me and that it is His timing, not mine. I know that my grandfather is looking down at me and watching over me. I know to keep God in the middle of everything. I also realize that all of these fears are normal and many people have them.

Yet, I enjoy hearing the stories of those that are past this stage in their life. It is comforting to know that it sucked for them as well, but that they made it through. It is almost like those chick flick movies where the girl always ends up with her true love, no matter what obstacles she goes through. It gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling.

God has given me a lot of trials this past year. Some big (the passing of my grandfather), some small (singing a solo in church), and some medium sized (getting through the semester of school) He has pulled me through all of them and I am still standing, still kicking. So I continue to stay strong, to be a friend, help my best friend plan her incredible wedding, and to grow deeper in my relationship with Christ. Will I make it? Yes. Will it be easy? No. But if God made it easy for me then why would I need to lean on Him? Why would I constantly pray to Him about things?
Tag, you're it!
Around blog land, there has been a picture tag going around and I was tagged by Michelle. The object of the picture tag is to:
1) Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer
2) Select the 4th picture in the folder
3) Explain the picture
4) Tag 4 people to do the same
NO CHEATING! (cropping, editing, etc!)

Well, this picture is not that exciting... I didn't change anything... This is from when I went to the astros game for Second Baptist Night. I was so excited because we had seats right by the bull pen and even had some of the home runs come close to us. It was a great night!

I tag Cara, Russell, Amy, and Keith
Today was an amazing day. Everywhere I went, whatever I watched, and whoever talked to me had something to say to me. I have been sad lately due to my grandfather not being around. It is so hard to not be able to see him, but I keep thinking that he will be sitting in his chair "watching" (with his eyes closed) TV.
I did not have that unusual of a day, just things that are ordinary seemed out of the ordinary for me.
First, I picked up a book at Target last night for me to read at work. I know, reading, how off task. In my defense, I subbed at a preschool for the receptionist and not much happens on Fridays. Anyways, I started reading The Wednesday Letters. It is a sweet book about a family that loses their mother and father at the same time. The book is based around letters that the father wrote to the mother every WEDNESDAY!! The children (all grown) find the letters and read them to discover some secrets that their parents had, but more importantly, an amazing love the father had for his wife and children. This book got to me a little because it reminded me of Bappaw and Granny.
Second, I went to lunch with a friend. He let me talk about my grandfather and having gone through the same thing not long ago, he had good things to say about the process and that it would get easier. I also, during lunch, realized that being sad was okay, and that it is all part of the process.
Last, I worked tonight for two super sweet little boys. I let them watch Evan Almighty. I have seen the movie a couple of times but had never really listened to some of the lines. During one scene, God (Morgan Freeman) asks Evan (Steve Correl) God: Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other?
I ask God for a lot of things and can be very quick to think that he doesn't answer me. Today, however, I had to think about whether or not God has been showing me opportunities for peace, guidance, and love. Am I just not taking them? Am I looking to much at me and what I want... and not enough to God?

After putting the boys to bed, I watched a movie on the Hallmark Channel. I am a sucker for any holiday movie that comes on this channel. I will sit, watch, and cry. I love them! The one that I saw was called the Christmas Visitor. The main characters were struggling with the death of their son in the Gulf War. They put everything on hold and was so wrapped up in grief that they would not celebrate Christmas. Of course, like all the movies on Hallmark, it had a happy ending.
Seeing this movie also made me think about my sadness and my dwelling on the fact that my grandfather won't see me graduate or get married. I know in my head that he will, and in my heart too, I just am not able to grasp the idea yet. It will come, and I have to give myself time...and be patient. God is definently giving me opportunities to practice patience!

First off, I would like to tell myself congratulations on my 50th post. It is hard to think that I have had 50 interesting things to tell you in the last year! Well, I think they are interesting! Yea me!!
Anyways, the actual reason for this post is to invite everyone to a Christmas Cantata.
I am singing in All is Calm, All is Bright at Pearland First United Methodist Church on December 14 (Sunday) We are performing during the worship services so one is at 8:15, and the other at 10:30. There will be a full orchestra accompanying the choir. It sounds pretty good, and we are very happy to spread the news of the birth of Jesus. If anyone would like to come, admission is free, so come early, and get a seat!

Pearland FUMC
2314 N. Grand Blvd.
Pearland, Tx 77581
8:15 am and 10:30 am
All is Calm, All is Bright
I am the director of a bible study at my church. I do not teach, but I make sure that there are teachers, provide fellowship and coordinate different activities for us to during the month. I absolutely love it!
Last Monday, my church, Second Baptist, held their annual Angel of Light Christmas service project. During the past month, each campus has collected toys for a certain age group to be given out as present. On Monday, we went to the Woodway campus and helped to give out toys! Each family gets a hot meal, fun, fellowship, and a toy for each child. They also get back on the bus and find a bag of food on their seat. It is a great way to serve those less fortunate and to really give thanks to God of the many blessings he gave us. It was a great time!
After we did this, a group of us went to Starbucks to get some coffee and hang out for a little bit.



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So..I have now realized that only a handful of people read my blog. In a way, it is dissapointing, but not many know I have one, so I guess I will blame it on a lack of advertising :) But to get down to business... Cara and Russell, look for a little something coming your way and remember to "pay it forward"
Cara, could you email me your address? Thanks!

Joni, what a great idea you have continued! It is more of a blessing to give than to recieve. I actually heard on the radio today that a Starbucks (somewhere) had a record 109 "pay it forward" angels! The customers just kept paying for the person behind them order. How awesome is that!

So.. I apparently have been blessed with a pay it forward surprise from my dear friend Joni. There for, I would like to continue it. The first three people that leave a comment for me will get a little something special to brighten their day!

Keep the Reason of the Season close to your heart!

The Artist

3:44 PM | 1 Comments




These are a few of my drawings. I found out that I was able to draw a little bit after I went on a church retreat. I had always been able to get people to understand what I was drawing, but did not take notice of my talent until 3 years ago. I only draw for a hobby, but I really enjoy it. The old man is my Bappaw, the little girl is actually a picture that I took in 2001 when I went to Bolivia for a mission trip. The original picture is on my blog to the right by my bio. The flowers are just some pretty flowers that were sitting at a table I saw one day. Have a lazy and warm Sunday!
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New Theme

10:43 PM | 1 Comments

I have to give props to Lena for my theme... I do not know her personally, but she has a wonderful blog that has many pretty Christmas or winter themes! thanks Lena!

Michelle- this is for you! Love ya!!

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Gift bags when I am short on time
2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial, real ones make my nose itch
3. When do you put up the tree? After Dec. 1
4. When do you take the tree down? haha...hopefully before New Years
5. Do you like eggnog? No
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Honey Jo - a stuffed bear from Santa
7. Hardest person to buy for? Heidi- I never know what to get her
8. Easiest person to buy for? My dad- he will take anything :)
9. Do you have a nativity scene? I have a picture of it, but not an actual one
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? MAIL! have never sent out Christmas cards... this year is a first. Hopefully I will mail them!
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I used to be a preschool teacher...take a guess :)
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Charlie Brown's Christmas
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? After Thanksgiving...way after.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Nope
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Sweet Potatoes with marshmallows...I could eat them any day!
16. Lights on the tree? Yes, white.
17. Favorite Christmas Song? When Christmas Comes to town- The Polar Express
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? First weekend of Dec- Kirbyville; Saturday before Christmas- Martin Family; Christmas day? depends
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Yes, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner/Donder, Blitzen, and Rudolph. (What Michelle said!!)
20. Angel on the tree top or a star?Angel.. my mom is obsessed with Angels
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? Christmas morning
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? People who forget those less fortunate
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? My mother has only one type of angels on the tree with all different poses, gold starred wire, and LOTS of lights!
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Basically Thanksgiving all over again!!
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? Gas for my car for the next semester of school

I love Christmas Time!!! I love to look at all the decorations and see everyone cheerful! I especially enjoy having time with friends and family to just be in each others company. I like the Christmas music and seeing all the different Christmas movies!

This Christmas is going to a bit difficult for my family. This is the first year that we will not have my Bappaw around to help us celebrate. I miss him dearly and could not have ever imagined that the holidays would seem so weird without him here. I do have the peace however, that he is watching over me, loves me and is very proud of me.

The Ladies

12:09 AM | 0 Comments





These three ladies and I have been through alot! We all worked with the Children's choirs at my old church and they are all teachers! I love them dearly and thoroughly enjoy our starbucks and Chili's nights!! Monkeys!!!
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Having had a crazy day, I just finished writing a semi-devotional. Seeing as this is one of the firsts that I have ever done, I am a bit shy to put it on here. Go easy on me!


Webster defines fear as “an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger” I have lived my life in fear. Fear of getting hurt. Fear of hurting others. Fear of failure. Fear of rejection. Fear of the unknown. Fear of relationships. I have been fearful through out my life, mostly fearing the unknown.
I recently watched the movie, Facing the Giants. It goes through the year of a high school football coach that puts his full trust in God. He has everything going in the wrong direction. His boys weren’t winning, he was in fear of losing his job, and he and his wife could not get pregnant. As he changed his attitude, and looked to give God the glory no matter what, things changed.
His team and other coaches picked up on his attitude and started performing better. They made better plays, grades, and improved relationships. The Eagles eventually went to state playoffs, beating the three time reigning champs. It was through God that the miracles happened.
This got me thinking about my life. Why do I fear so much? One of my favorite lines in the whole movie is "If the Lord never gives us children, will you still love Him?” (Coach Taylor is talking to his wife) This quote got me thinking. One of my biggest fears is that I will not find the mate that God has chosen for me. After watching the movie, and going through some events recently, I had to ask myself,” Miranda, if the Lord never gives you a husband, if you are supposed to be single, would you still love Him?” How thought provoking!
If God never gave you a child, or that perfect "X", would you still love him? Would the blessings that he provides be enough? God has a plan for everyone. During the movie, there is also a story about how there were two farmers praying for rain, yet only one prepared the soil. Which do you think God would trust with his gift?
How do you prepare your heart for that relationship? How do you prepare your mind or soul for that perfect “X” that you have been praying for? I cannot expect my perfect mate to cross my path until my heart is ready to receive him. Will that be tomorrow? 5 years from now? I do not know. This is why God wants us to trust in him. Psalm 9:10 says, “Those who know your name trust you, O Lord, because you have never deserted those who seek your help” (God’s Word for Students). God will never leave my side. Through all my waiting and my sadness, I know that in God’s timing, he will show me the Godly man that I am to spend my life with. In God’s timing, he will provide your every need. The hard part is waiting for God to make the buzzer go off. Patience is a virtue!
Selah, one of my all-time favorite music groups, sing a song titled “Wonderful, Merciful Savior”
Counselor, comforter, keeper
Spirit we long to embrace
You offer hope when our hearts have
Hopelessly lost the way, Oh we hopelessly lost the way

When we lose our way, and feel as though God is nowhere in sight, God is there, walking right beside us. When our hearts break due to a wrong choice, God is sitting on the couch with us, embracing us with His love, soothing our hearts, calming our fears, and spoon feeding us raw cookie dough!:) Through it all, God is telling me,“Miranda, I love you, and I will take care of you, if you will let me”


5:11 PM | 0 Comments

So... I am sitting at Panera Bread, waiting time to pass. I am watching a couple eat. The guy has his Blackberry out the ENTIRE time at dinner. The girl spilt her drink all over her, and the guy was still texting while wiping up the drink. Although I am pretty attached to my cell phone, I couldn't believe the amount of time the guy was on his berry as opposed to how much he spent with his girl. It is amazing!

Have a good weekend

I just had to share this picture i found from when he was little... I absolutely love this picture! For those who don't know, I cannot claim him as my own, but is the closest thing to a nephew that I have. Have a great weekend!
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I did vote, but I try not to talk about politics with people. The media, however, made it very clear who they favored! I was watching CBS tonight and they basically had called the election after Ohio came in. What is that? Shouldn't the media be a non-partisan source of information?

So, Obama is our new I happy? I am not ecstatic about it. Will I respect it? Yes, because as a citizen of the USA, he will be my commander in chief, the leader of my beloved country... in January.
So I have 2 months to get used to it :)


I had so much fun tonight with my girls at PF Changs and the movies. Although the movie, The Changeling, was not exactly the happy-go-lucky movie that one might expect at a girl's night, the night as a whole was pretty fun! I am so thankful for each of the girls that were there to help me celebrate. We had good food, which ended with some fortune cookie fun... with the ending...of course! Then off to the movie where we saw Angelina Jolie in a dramatic and heart-wrenching performance. All in all, my 26th birthday has been pretty special!
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These are birthday cards from my "boys"! I love them with all my heart. It is cards like these that make me thankful for having them in my life!! Love you guys!




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This is me around 4 years old...

and this is me at 25.

As I turn another year older, I still get giddy at the beginning of October...cause I know that in 29 days, for one day, it will be MY day.
Eating where I want, people calling me, emailing me, and giving me things. Sounds kinda childish? maybe a little self-centered? Birthdays have always been a big thing with me. I think that it has something to do with being the baby girl! So as I turn 26 tomorrow, I can't help but wonder, is this okay? Is it normal to crave the attention on the day of your birth? I say YES!!! I will have my cake and eat it too!!

On a little more serious note though... i would like to thank all those that have made me who I am today. I know that if it were not for people loving me and encouraging me, I would not be where I am today. So I salute you! and will let you have a piece of my cake.... a little one :)

A good friend of mine has been in Afghanistan for the past 10-11 months. He is home and safe today! His family, pictured on the right, met him at 29 Palms to see him! He is like a brother to me and I am so proud of all that he stands for! I am glad that he is home, safe and sound.
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Okay, so i just opened my computer to a program called scribe. It is a addon with mozilla firefox web browser. anyways, apparently i wrote this in the summer and forgot to post it. :)

I have been feeling the heat of a Texas summer lately. I have not been able to really run like I have wanted to just because of my schedule and the 100+ degrees that comes to this lovely city. I have been feeling down about my lack of enthusiasm of it. Today, I received my daily bible verse via email. I could not believe what it said. It comes from Hebrews 12:1.
It says “Since
we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off
everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run
with perseverance the race marked out for us.”
BAM! there was GOD, looking at me straight in the eye, saying...Miranda, you can do it. Just run...shake off the heat, and the sense of doubt. You CAN do it!

What an inspiration for me to get up, put my shoes on, and to run my 45 minutes, praising God every minute of the race.
This morning, I got up around 6 and got ready for school.  I take the beltway every day so therefore I have to leave pretty early to beat the traffic.  As i was driving along, I noticed that my car was sort of pulling to the left, but didnt think anything of it.  While crossing over Almeda Rd, I noticed a car was beside me with their window down.  She was yelling something at me and pointing to my front drivers side tire.  Yep!  I had a flat...not just low...but the air completely out of it.  I pulled to the shoulder, put my flashers on, and drove slowly down the hill to get to a bigger shoulder.  I pulled over just in front of an entrance to Beltway 8.  After calling my mother, who turned around and called my dad, I waited.  I waited for around 20 min for them to get there so that my heroic father could change my tire.  In the meantime, I listened to my radio and watched the cars drive by me, hoping that each time a tow truck came by, they did not stop.  My dad came and we took out the spare tire.  This proved to be a challenge because of the amount of junk that I currently have in my trunk. 
    My dad got down and put the jack under my car, saying to me,"I hoep someone doesn't hit me".  I am holding the spare between my feet, thinking"duh".  As he changes my tire I was constantly looking to make sure that the cars were moving lanes or swerving a little in ackowledgment of my father's wherabouts.  After 15 minutes, my dad changed my tire, and drove off in my car.  I got my books out, said thank you and sat in the passenger side of my mother's car. 
We drove the Beltway to get to 59 so that I could go to school.  I had a presentation due this morning that I didn't want to miss. I arrived at school at 8:30, only 30 minutes late.  I walked in while the presentations were going on and was able to present mine after I had caught my breath. 
   WHen telling the teacher why I was late, she gave me a sympathetic look and told me to breathe deeply and collect my thoughts. 
    My dad, once again, saved the day, and has decided that I need to have a saturday lesson on changing a tire!  This afternoon, I get to go buy a new tire, to replace the mangled rubber that is in my trunk!

The before picture





I did it!! I cut my hair today. After 6 months of growing it out, to the top of my shoulder blades (when held out straight) Today, I had Sarah, my lovely stylist (and best friend) to cut it off! As you can see from the pictures, I chopped it off to jsut below my chin. I have decided that long hair is not all that it is cracked up to be! I felt that i lost 5 pounds just having the weight of my hair off!! Have a great week!
Oh.. if you are the praying kind, pray for me: it is mid-term time in the college world! 4 essays due by friday, 3 pages in length for each...on ancient literature :)
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