If I was honest....
I would tell you that I am happy in most areas of my life.
I would tell you that I struggle with the lackluster passion for the Lord I seem to worship with on a daily basis lately.
I would tell you that the Lord's plan and mine have not been jiving lately.

If I was honest......
I would tell you that I get bouts of envy that fade away slowly with each wedding invitation addressed to me.
I would tell you that I am sick of hearing my name being called 20 times a day.
I would tell you that living alone can be lonely at times.

If I was honest.....

Jeremiah 29:11
Because of my newly acquired apartment I had to delay my trip to see my brother and his family for a couple of days.  It was well worth the wait!  After stopping in Jacksonville to see my college friend and her classroom, I drove the rest of the way into Texarkana last night.  I was greeted by my sweet monkey!  I am so blessed to be able to spend the next few days with Russell, Meagan, and Eli.  I can't wait to celebrate Eli's first Thanksgiving!!  There will be new pictures coming but here are some taken today.  :)


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In bible study, we are studying Romans.  My friend Becky was the teacher this past weekend.  She taught on loving others for who they are and where they are.  It really spoke to me and I thought I would share my notes on it.  

 " Love people for who they are and where they are.  It is Gods place to change their lives.  We should not change them, but love them.  We need to think about our actions and ask ourselves, "If I do this, will it cause someone else to stumble?"  It is hard to have peace with someone when you are pointing your finger at them.  
Walk in humility and low to the ground.  Paul wanted people to walk in unity.  He had the pedigree but he never got over that Jesus dies for him.  He walked low to the ground.  There are times when you try to figure things out and God is taking your face into his hands saying to obey him HIM, and he has the rest taken care of. "

I feel that I, at times, can be the Holy Spirit, telling others the way they should feel and then getting mad when they don't.  Whether I feel their actions or feelings are wrong, how can I judge what they do or how they feel?  It is not my place.   All I can do is pray for a change of heart and then obey God to the best of my ability.  

As I type this, I can't help but think of a situation I recently faced.  I had a friend that played a "card" in a situation I felt was wrong. I was mad and hurt and wanted them to know it.  I also wanted to tell them how they should feel about it all.  I kept thinking that I wanted them to take my "suggestion" to heart, change their thinking immediately and be okay with it for the rest of their life.  I however, did none of these things.  I gently explained how I felt and left it at that.  Will I ever get a " Hey! I was wrong" or "Wow! sorry for that"?  Probably not.  Do I really need that?  No (although it would be really nice to hear)

Although I am still not happy about how the situation is unfolding, I know that I can't change them or the situation.   I am not the Holy Spirit.  I am not going to be able to change this persons feelings about the situation.  All I can do is love them for who they are, no matter how infuriating they may be at the moment, and pray for the Holy Spirit to change their heart and thinking to be what God has willed, not what I think is correct.  Whether I love them from afar or close up, I need to see them through God's eyes, not my own flawed view.   

I love the image of God holding our face in His hands, telling us that HE HAS IT!!!  


6:25 PM | 1 Comments

Hello all!  I hope this finds you well....

Life has been INSANE for me!  No matter what I seem to do, I cannot get caught up.  But, I love every minute of it.  I love that my kids tell me daily how much they love me and that I am their favorite teacher.  I love that I have a few that make me want to scream and shake them, telling them to get their act together.  I love that I have a family that understands the craziness of my life is okay with it.  I love that I have a nephew waiting for me to love and hug and kiss.  I love that I have a best friend who found a blessing in disguise and is the happiest that I have ever seen her.  I love that her fiance is the best match for her, knew it, and stuck to what he felt.  I love that I try to think of ways that I can be a better teacher and ask questions to get the best help for my students instead of being okay with the status quo.  I love that I have a church group that will catch me when I fall and lift me up in prayer and in spirit.  I love that I have a little girl half way around the world writing me letters and sending me words of encouragement...when she has 1/8 of the resources and material items that I have.  I love that I work for a school district that is helpful (sometimes too helpful) and is very willing to help when needed.  I love that I have the most amazing co workers and team.  Each one of them is willing to answer my silly questions and lift me up when I need an encouraging word.  I love that I have grandparents still living and functioning.  There is nothing like a "granny dinner" to look forward to!  I love that I have two sister in laws that were God-sent and a perfect fit for my two goofy brothers.  I love that I have the ability to be financially stable and live a comfortable life, when so many are struggling.  I love that I am able to "pay it forward" and give back in honor of so many that helped me when I was struggling.  I love that I have an adopted family that loves me as their own and unconditionally.  I love that I have so many people in my corner, cheering me on and encouraging me to succeed in ALL I do! Most of all... I love that I have a GOD who crossed my path with every person that I needed meet and put me in every situation that I needed to mold and shape me into the person I have become.  What an amazing God that we serve!  He knows every hair on my head and every thought in my heart...and he still loves me!

I am so very blessed and could never find the words to express how truly thankful I am!
