First off, I would like to tell myself congratulations on my 50th post. It is hard to think that I have had 50 interesting things to tell you in the last year! Well, I think they are interesting! Yea me!!
Anyways, the actual reason for this post is to invite everyone to a Christmas Cantata.
I am singing in All is Calm, All is Bright at Pearland First United Methodist Church on December 14 (Sunday) We are performing during the worship services so one is at 8:15, and the other at 10:30. There will be a full orchestra accompanying the choir. It sounds pretty good, and we are very happy to spread the news of the birth of Jesus. If anyone would like to come, admission is free, so come early, and get a seat!
Pearland FUMC
2314 N. Grand Blvd.
Pearland, Tx 77581
8:15 am and 10:30 am
All is Calm, All is Bright
Congrats on the 50th post : ). I wish I could be there to hear the Cantata! I think my mom's going to try to get me a recording of it. Y'all are going to sound awesome!
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