2010 has been a crazy year.  Between falling in what I thought was love, having my heart broken, thinking school was going to do me in to being in my final semester of class I have had some crazy times, broken down a few times and am actually glad that the year is coming to a close.

For 3 years now, I have done a blog post of "What I have learned".  I thought that since I have determined I am not getting off this couch until 7:00pm, I would go ahead and let all of you out in blog world read what exactly I have learned.

So here goes:
1.  No matter what I may think, I am stronger than I ever imagined and God is there for me.  I have been through a lot this year.  Many of the things you can read in my past posts.  I have had love and lost love.  I thought my world was ending, the dramatic side taking hold of my for a little bit... and then week by week and day by day, I realized that he was not the guy I wanted to be with forever.  He wasn't even the guy that I wanted to be with for a little while.  He actually did me a favor, and saved me from being the jerk in the situation.

2.  More people have my back than I thought.  As I went through all my trials, I was continuously amazed by the encouragement and prayers on my behalf.  I know that my life isn't hard compared to a million others out there, but I am glad to have people in my life that support me.

3.  There is nothing more important than family.  I have known this for a while but it was repeatedly shown as a truth to me over and over again.  Whether it was a kind word from a cousin or prayers sent up for a very sick little girl, family is what keeps me going.  Their encouragement never fails me and I love them for it.

4.  Sometimes, you just need to have fun.  Life is really too short to not have a little fun without thinking sometimes.  Be safe and don't compromise your morals or values but have fun!!  After a weekend of fun, I have learned that lesson.  ( Can I use "fun" enough?)

I am sure that there are other lessons that I have learned, but these are the big ones.

Now, for some New Years Resolutions
1. Get down to a size 10 jeans
2. Graduate!!!
3. Get a job teaching resource or in a regular classroom
4. Participate in Siesta's Scripture Memory event in December 2011
5. HAVE FUN this year!!

As this year comes to an end, I know that I will have trials in the 2011, I will laugh, cry, hate, love, and not think I can make it at all.  But I know that the Lord, my family, and my friends have my back!  And for that, I could not be more thankful.
Sometimes the difference between attention and attraction can be hard to decipher. I think there has to be some sort of attraction there for the attention to be there.

A few weekends ago, I got some attention. Was it attraction? It was there... but I honestly don't know if I even want to figure it out, or if I will get a chance....

But what I do I know, is that I had one of the best weekends I have ever had! :)

Weddings are a time of joy, love, family, friends, laughter, pretty dresses, makeup, photography, flowers, handsome men, and pretty girls.  Unless you are the bride and her two best friends.  Then it is filled with laughter, laughter, a little stress, phone calls, roadside assistance, lots of driving and then all the other fun wedding stuff.  Oh wait.... maybe that is if you are JoAnna, Sarah and I :)

 My sweet, sweet friend from high school married the love of her life.  This was the most adventure filled wedding I have ever been a part of.  Sarah and I got to Dallas about an hour before rehearsal started.  There was another rehearsal at 7:15 so we had to get to the church on time and get out in a short amount of time.  The rehearsal went smoothly and we enjoyed walking down the aisle a few times. Sarah was the maid of honor and apparently there is a tradition where the maid of honor stands in for the bride.  I have never heard of this tradition, but they did it, so Sarah and James awkwardly looked away while they were saying vows.  It was quite entertaining.  

Next, we went to Eno's, a wonderful pizza and beer place.  We had a great time eating and enjoying getting to know the wedding party and friends.  All of James groomsmen were all friends and so Sarah and I were pretty much the only ones that didn't know anyone.  While we were there, Sarah managed to lose her keys, which were found in one of the groomsmen's girlfriend's purse.  They had to go back to Waco Friday night.  I will come back to that episode.  Next, while using the bathroom, I dropped my iphone in the toilet again...yep!  I am a smart one and need to never take my phone in my pocket anywhere.  Needless to say, the phone was dead and I was pretty unhappy about it all.  

The next morning, after a breakfast of whataburger tacos, we started to go off to do things.  JoAnna had family Christmas at her sisters.  While they were there the place that rented the table and chairs called and reminded them that they closed at noon.  CRUD!!! 4 of her family members with 2 trucks went and got all of that.  James had locked his keys in the truck and had to call roadside assistance, then he took me to go get a new phone, which took 4 hours...not fun.  Then, we realized that both mine and Sarah's dress were in her car.  UH OH!! So, we called roadside assistance again and got what we needed to get out.  Unfortunately, the trunk would not open so Sarah couldn't get her shoes.  She was going to have to wait till Corby and Steph got here Sunday.  JoAnna had to turn in a final online and was trying to finish that.  We had a nail appointment at 6:30 and we realized that James' daughter didn't have shoes for the wedding.  We got to Payless about 10 minutes before they closed. 

JoAnna, Sarah, and I finally got to the hotel that she had rented for us around 8.  We had the boys, James and Nathan (one of James' friends) to bring us Wendy's and then made them go away.  We actually got to bed pretty early.

The next morning was the bridesmaids breakfast.  We had queche, croissants, and mimosas.  It was a great time.  The only problem, 2 bridesmaids and the mother of the groom never showed up...she was supposed to bring JoAnna's step daughter too.  After everyone left, Sarah, Jo and I had a fun time getting ready for the wedding.  Sarah did Jo's hair and make-up.  We were a little rushed towards the end, but it all worked out.  

When we got to the church, I become the communications director between James and JoAnna.  Corby came with Sarah's keys and so Nathan and James went and got her car, I met the outside to get her shoes.   I took subway to the guys, helped with the flowers and anything else they needed while Sarah helped JoAnna.  After we got everything situated and pictures taken, the wedding began.   I can't describe how Jo looked.   She was truly a beaming bride and it was wonderful to see the way James' looked at her coming down the aisle.  

The reception went well and the after party was awesome! :) 

All in all, it was the best weekend I have had in a really, really long time!

I wish many blessings for you and your family this year!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!



Fun day

4:43 PM | 0 Comments

Today, I had to Get a new phone.. 4 hours later, I was successful! But wow.... It was a hassle. No more phones in my backpocket-- they tend to like to go swimming. Yes, it happened again! :(

Sent from my iPhone

Posted via email from Miranda's Dailies

I can honestly say that I consider myself to have always been blessed. I have a great family and amazing friends. I have a church family that extends across the country and support and encouragement from all aspects of my life. I have been able to create a "business" with a long list of families that trust me with their most treasured items. I have been blessed with the financial needs of attending an amazing, Christian school in order to obtain my education.

I can also honestly say that I haven't had everything handed to me on a silver platter. I haven't had the childhood that most dream about. Both my parents worked, and worked hard. We didn't have the best of things but we had the best of love.

This past week, in the midst of tears, screams, feeling alone, and the wads of cash slipping through my fingers, I had forgotten all of this. I had forgotten how my dad simply looked at me and said," you are healthy, alive and safe. That is all that matters.". Or how My sister in law let me know that I wasn't alone. I had forgotten how many friends I had that had been down this road, eating ramen for days only because it was 10 cents.

Tonight, I was reminded. I was given an unexpected blessing that came from nowhere. It is something that will help me get to the end of the "school" tunnel and is absolutely something I am in no way worthy of. I am truly, truly blessed.

Life is full of ups and downs, and I have and will continue to have my fair share of them. But I have people, many, many people, who walk in the shadows behind me, every step of the way to see me fulfill my goal, and for those, I am eternally grateful. I have people holding me up when I can't seem to do it and walking with me to the finish line, holding my hand and taking the last final steps with me.

I only hope that one day, I can meet a young person that is struggling through life and help them in the ways that I have been helped. It will be great to give back 100 times more what I have been given over the years. I am truly loved, and truly, truly thankful.

-make each day count!!
Whew!  I have had a week that I would like to forget.  It has been one of those weeks that had it not been for faith of better things yet to come, I would have been buried under my covers with some water and food and about 48 sad movies to aid my self pity party.

Please excuse me for a second while I throw that party:  I have dealt with 3 rounds of antibiotics trying to fight an infection in my tooth, my iPhone falling in the toilet (it still works, thank goodness!), the shock of how much dental work is when you don't have insurance, delayed dental work (due to the infection), the uncertainty of a potential failing grade in a class, traveling to work only to find it closed while trying to not cause a wreck because the brakes were going bad, getting the brakes fixed and  then having a flat tire on the side of 288.  All of this while I was finishing finals, trying to work, having no idea where the money was going to come from and trying to get ready for a wedding and 10 days out of town.  Needless to say, I am having trouble finding any break in the dark cloud that I so recently felt was finally breaking up.

I know that I will be okay.  I know that I have the most amazing and giving parents that I do not deserve.  I know that I have a blessed group of friends and a support system that helps me get through times like these.  And I know that it seems that all I have done recently is throw little "pity me" parties throughout this semester.

While on the side of the road tonight, waiting for my hero of a dad to come rescue me, I found myself crying.  Crying because I was tired.  Crying because I felt like I was drowning.  Crying because the last few times I have called my dad it is to tell him that something has broken and I don't have the means to fix it.  Crying because I know that my parents don't exactly have loads of money to give out to someone.  Crying because I feel like I am being a burden and I hate it.  Crying because I am emotionally, financially and physically tired.  And crying because I knew, deep down, that no matter what I was going through, there was a little baby girl that has it 400 times worse than me at the moment.

I, however, do not intend to dismiss or apologize for my feelings, or my emotional break down.  I think that everyone goes through these times and that each has their "breaking point".  I have learned that each trial God has brought me through, I am only stronger for the next. God never said our lives are going to be easy. Jesus' life wasn't easy.  Mary and Joseph definitely did not have an easy life after Mary was found to be pregnant.  Yet, they still were faithful and true to God and HIS will.

An extremely nice (and handsome) cop fixed my badly mutilated tire and I got home safely.  When I kept telling my dad sorry that I was being so expensive, he told me, "It is your time to be pooped on.  We all have a time when everything falls apart at once. It will get better." I couldn't help but smile as I was strangely comforted.  

I  know that there is going to be 1,000 more "seasons" in my life where everything is going to go wrong.  I think, that instead of feeling sorry for myself, I will take President Kennedy's advice: "Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.", the wise words of my father, and GOD' s never failing love and power

 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

My high school is in the state playoffs!! Congrats Oilers!! We are so proud of you!
Yesterday I went to the Michael W. Smith concert, which was great!  I love Christmas music and MWS was the first christian artist that I remember listening to, so it was a great combination! Although he played "Friends" which is probably one of my least favorite songs of his, the arrangements and combinations of instrumental and vocal music was great!  Voice Avenue was there.  They are a group from Lee University that does 8 part accapella.  They were actually on the show "Sing off" last season.

So the concert was great, but that wasn't the best part!  Tanya and I volunteered to usher and we got to see the concert free...still is not the best part (although it was a nice perk)

The BEST part was this little old couple that sat in my section.  The lady used a walker and the man, a cane.  They reminded me of my own grandparents.  The section I was in had stairs going all the way down, so of course the lady couldn't use her walker.  We left the walker at the top and I took her arm to help guide her down the stairs to sit down.  Then I went back to get the man.  I helped him down too.  He was so sweet in making sure that her walker was going to be safe.  I told him that it was up at the top of the stairs and that I would be around the section all night.  I also told him that my grandfather used a walker and I knew how important it was for her to have that walker.

As I started to leave, he grabbed my hand and kissed it, looking up at me and saying, "Thank you for being so cheery and helpful!"  OH MY GOODNESS... talk about making a girl smile :) It was the most heartfelt and selfless compliment I have gotten in a while.  He was truly thankful for my help and it was awesome to be able to give that to him.

As the evening progressed, I would occasionally stop by their seats to see if they were okay.  Every time he would just touch my arm and smile :) At the end of the evening I saw that the woman had gotten her walker and they were on their way with their family that had come later.

I occasionally complain about having to help my grandparents.  I won't go into details because it really makes me sound ungrateful and I truly love and adore my grandparents.

But last night, helping that couple to the seats, made me realize that helping my grandparents and knowing how to support a person who cannot walk easily down the stairs had a bigger purpose.  This may seem small to a person looking in from the outside, but to me, it is just one more piece of evidence that God has a greater plan and puts things in our path for a reason.

I have been a believer in Christ my entire life.  I do not have one of those testimonies where I felt the Lord calling me when I was 8, or 20.  I have always had Jesus in my heart and knew that he loved me and died for my sins.  I do not know what it is like to have nothing to believe in.
Yet, I am still consistently amazed at the love and support that people give to others when tragedy strikes.  When Sarah lost David, I saw people reach out to her and David's family.  Many only knew Sarah from 10 years ago.  Some did not know either one of them and just knew a friend or family member.  It was through these days that I looked  teary-eyes as my best friend received hugs, cards, and donations form people that even she did not know.  It seemed that love and prayers poured out from the cracks and crevices of the world. 

And now, a year and half later, I see this outpouring of love again.  From Facebook status' and profile pictures, to prayers being said all around the country..love is being sent to a little girl.  A little girl who has a long road ahead of her, but is fighting like a true champ.  Lindsey and Jered have felt the prayers and warm wishes from many people who, again, just know a family member or friend.  

It is because of these times, that I refuse to lose hope in the goodness of the world.  I hear many say that our country is going downhill, and that things aren't like they used to be.  Well-- maybe I am naive but I still stay true to the view that despite some horrific things that happen in our world, there are people that cling to the hope of the Lord and let their light shine through them.  I tend to see the little rays of sunshine peeking through the dark cloud, and give thanks.  

Keep praying for Brooklyn and for all the sweet angels in the NICU.  Their families could all use a little sunshine in their lives.  

Will you pray for this sweet little girl?  Her name is Brooklyn and she is my cousins little girl.  She was born a week ago and is in the NICU. She is waiting to have surgery but isn't strong enough yet.  She is a great baby girl and needs lots of prayers for health and strength.  Thanks!

This weekend I went up to my Granny's house for the annual Christmas Party.  I got to see family that I usually only see once or twice a year, went to visit my grandfather's grave and ate A LOT of food!  It was a great time for me to be able to spend some time away from the books and relieve some stress.  I also was able to walk around and take some fun shots of the scenery at my granny's house. I was also able to persuade my mom to brave the cold and take a few pics of me for future use.

 This place means so much to me and holds so many dear memories of my grandfather, family and peace.  It is my heaven on earth.  Enjoy the photos. I am not the best at editing, but I think they turned out well!

 This is my Bappaw's barn.  Many times I would come into town and find him down here working on something.  It smelled of feed and grease.
 Walking through the back pasture.

 God is everywhere
 Looking at a little bridge that goes over the dried up creek. I didn't realize this was here until today.  I always used the bigger bridge that was down a little bit.

 This is the bridge that we used to throw sticks off of and watch them race down the small creek.  I loved sitting on the bridge with my cousins talking and trying to figure out life at 12.

 Taking some much updated pictures of me.

I had such a good time this weekend!
