
10:38 PM | 0 Comments

I just got done eating dinner with 2 of my most favorite people in the world.  I have 3 ladies that I have come to  rely on for all things "teacher" and for their beloved friendship.  We try to get together around once a month and talk about jobs (we are all teachers), kids, boys, and life in general.  It was so much fun to see them, and play host to them as we celebrated Christmas.  Thanks girls!

As I was showing them around my apartment tonight and chatting I became in awe of how wonderful my life is.  I know what you are thinking... CONCEITED, much?  You could say that, I guess.  There, as ashamed as I am to say it, haven't been many times that I can say I am content.  There has always been something that I wanted, needed or complained about.  I don't think I have it all together, by any means, but I feel happy and content in where I am.

I have, in previous posts, talked about my family, friends, job, etc.  I am grateful for those.  If someone asked me to explain how I feel about those, I could go on and on.   In the past, there has always been the "This is great, but I wish..."  The "But" clause, as I have just now called it, has been a source of discontentment.
" My life is great, BUT I wish I made more money"
"My life is great, BUT I wish I had someone to come home to."
"My life is great, But I wish I had this car, or these clothes, or this TV."  
These are all things that, yeah, I still want.  I can wait, though.   I have a drive in me to become a specialist in the teaching field.  I have, somewhere in me, the ability to stick to a budget and use my money more wisely, which would allow me to have the material things I want.  I am also learning that God's plan is more important than my plan.  My plan has been out the window a long time ago.

I am happy with the fact that I can (as I am right now) sit in my pj's with a glass of wine, typing away to a world beyond me while Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald play in the background.  I can put my all into my job and focus on my 18 little babies and into my walk with the LORD.

I am happy that I can pay my bills and have some left over for fun.  I know that many people in the world cannot do that.  I am learning to live within my means and take pleasure in providing dinner for my friends without it costing me anything extra.

In his book, Authentic Faith, Gary Thomas says:
 Contentment is a conscious decision to rest in the providence of God, a humble embracing of the fact that we can learn lessons where ever we are.  It doesn't entirely preclude working for something "better", but cultivates a spirit of thankfulness even in less-than-ideal situations.
 I don't necessarily think that just because I say I am content means that I don't want anything to change, ever.  I would love to have someone to come home to and to live in a house that I own.  I would love to take extravagant vacations and have a media room.  But God placed me here, for a reason, in the situation I am in.    I am happy and willing to wait on the Lord to show me my next step :)

May He grant you according to your heart’s desire,

         And fulfill all your purpose.

Psalm 20:4 (NKJV)

Christmas has been so much fun this year! From having Keith and Sarah with us for a little more than a week, to Eli's first Christmas, we have been enjoying the holiday! Because Keith and Sarah had to leave this morning for Chicago, we had Christmas morning yesterday. After eating a yummy breakfast, we opened presents, and opened more presents. We even managed to convince mom to let us open our stockings the night before. Santa was really good to all of us this year, especially Eli! Uncle Keith and Daddy (Russell) helped him open presents. Eli got fussed over all week from Honey (mom), Uncle Keith and Aunt Sarah. I even got a few kisses in :) I hope everyone has had a Merry Christmas!
 Grumps and Eli
 Playing with the tissue paper
 opening gifts
I got a new Division Champs shirt
Uncle Keith got Eli a new onesie
 My favorite picture
New cast iron skillets for the boys
Eli was helping Uncle Keith open gifts
Cute Couple
Meagan's co-worker got Eli a big present!!
 Having some Aunt Sarah time.   Aunt Sarah taught him how to flap his arm in rhythm.  It was entertaining!
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This is probably the most random post I have ever written, but I have had a very quick and busy two weeks.
   Friday was the last day of school.  My kids were hyped up on sugar and had a million times the amount of energy they usually do.  Needless to say, I was glad when 2:05 came around and they all went home.  I am sure I had 19 mommas cursing me for the amount of sugar that I allowed them to eat!  We really had a good time during the day and they were sad to leave me for two weeks.  I, however, am super excited to have the 2 weeks off to recuperate and hit the ground running Jan 3.
   Friday evening, my brothers and their families came down from their homes and graced me with their presence.  It was a short visit, but it was fun!  It was nice to be able to show them the apartment and have some "sibling" time.  On Saturday, the Martin's all descended on the uncle's house in Rosharon, Tx.  Not everyone was able to come but the three newest Martin's did get to meet and it was nice to see my cousins.  We always do a gift game and I came out with a pretty good gift!  My cousin Lindsey, sells Scentsy so I got a warmer and 3 bars of scents.  I can't wait to make my house smell good :)  I was planning on buying one anyways, so I was glad that I ended up with it!
   After the party, Russell, Meagan, Eli and I packed up and left to come up to Texarkana.  Since I have a break, I decided to come up with them before Christmas.  Keith and Sarah stayed behind with my pup and will be coming up tomorrow, and the parental units will be here on Thursday.  The trip was long, but I slept a lot of the way and have been able to relax and enjoy my "vacation"  I will come back the 26th, and am looking forward to working on my apartment a little bit.
   I have been able to spend some one on one time with the adorable Mr. Eli, and I am very grateful for that.  I love his hair and his smile.  He lights up the room whenever people see him.  The best moment was when Keith got to hold him for the first time.  Eli was taken with Keith and Sarah, both!  :)
I have enjoyed hours of TV, reading books, surfing the internet, going shopping and SLEEPING!  I came up to Texarkana not to get sympathy, but to leave my reality for a little bit.

I love my reality, I really do... but like all things, you need a break sometimes.

Tomorrow, Keith and Sarah will be here and my life will be a fairy-tale, seeing that I like nothing more than to be with all of my siblings at the same time :)

I have read the Christmas story a thousand times.  Every year, as I sat at the midnight Christmas Eve service, the story would resonate through the brick building and in and out of my ears.  I can tell it back to anyone that will listen with little hesitation.  Tonight, I was reading over it again because I love the story of obedience and loyalty to God.
While I was reading, I had a thought that had never come across my mind.  What an incredible man Joseph was.  I can't imagine what he would be thinking as Mary told him that she was pregnant.   Can you imagine how that conversation had gone?
 Mary:  Uh... Joseph?  Yeah, umm... I am pregnant but still a virgin.
Joseph:  And how does that work exactly??
Joseph was so faithful to God and his plan that he married a woman that he could have sworn off.  She would have been shunned in the community and her reputation would have been ruined.  Joseph however, believed in the Lords plan and honored his commitment to Mary.  

Everyone talks about how I need to wait for my "Boaz"  but this evening has made me think that maybe I should wait for my Joseph.  


8:44 PM | 0 Comments

My church did a candy house village this year. We had the unveiling tonight. The mosaic class had the church. This thing was huge!!!

We used cinnamon gum, graham cracker, cookies, peppermint sticks and other various items to create the house. It was a lot of work, but turned out amazing!! Rayna, my friend and awesome artist, led the team and we all pitched in! Great work guys!!!

Wow! A lot can change in a year!  What an exciting and growing year this has been. 
Maybe I should start in the beginning…

In January, I started my last semester in school- student teaching.  I taught with two teachers (8 weeks each) and became an integrated part of the classrooms.  It was a fun and eye opening experience as I learned what it really took to be a teacher.  Throughout the 16 weeks, I tried to balance the classes I was taking, teaching, and a life.  School generally got all of my time and dedication. 

In March, I found out that I was going to be an AUNT!!  Russell and Meagan had been put on a list to adopt a child.  It was a long process but Elijah Glenn Martin was born and the birth mom chose Russ and Meagan to be the parents.  It was a prayer answered 1,000-fold.  Eli stayed in the hospital for 2 months and came home Mother’s Day weekend.  He is such a sweet little boy and a light in our lives! 

The next weekend, I graduated!  It took 10 years, but I finally made it across the stage and received my diploma.  It was one of the top ten days that I have had.  After the ceremony, I had several friends and family come to my uncle’s house where we had a big bash complete with paw print cookies and hamburgers. 

The summer went by quickly.  I worked (a lot) and filled out applications.  All of the school districts had let go of teachers in anticipation of the budget cuts.  This meant that positions were few and far between.  It was a very worrisome time for me.  I managed to take time to visit Russell and Meagan and even went on a retreat as a junior high counselor with my church. My cousin got married in Florida right after I graduated.  It was a great week and my dad and I went para-sailing! It was awesome!!  In July, I took on the job of decorating the church for VBS.  It was a huge job but I had lots of help and it turned out well. 
In August, I got a phone call that someone wanted to interview me for a 4th grade position.  I couldn’t believe it!!  It was one of the only offers I had gotten.   I quickly went on it…not knowing the whirlwind my life was about to be on.  I got the job 2 weeks before the kids started.   I started the week after I signed my contract and went through a week long new teacher orientation.  It was very helpful but really intense.  I was able to get into my classroom and I started to prepare for my students.
I love my classroom and teaching! I am utterly exhausted but I know that it is where God wanted me and I am blessed everyday by my 19 kids.  They are smart, funny, sweet and yes, drive me crazy every now and then.  My co-workers are so encouraging and helpful.  My principal is AH-mazing along with the specialists and other staff.  Fourth grade is a tough year.  The curriculum is harder and the testing changes.   This is also the year that the students have to get ready for 5th grade.  It is interesting to see the growing and maturing that my students are going through.  So exciting!
Recently, I moved into my own place.  I had been staying with my grandma from July to November.  My grandfather broke his hip and is in a rehab place, so I was helping my grandma out.  I decided, however, that it was time for me to get out on my own.  I took the plunge and rented a one-bedroom apartment in Pearland.  It is a cute place that fits my needs really well.
I am still active in my singles group at church.  I stepped down as director in August, but have enjoyed helping out and attending events when I can. 
I have been blessed beyond belief this year and can’t believe how many goals I have achieved.  I cannot wait to see what adventures God has in store for me in 2012! 

May God bless you and your family!

Miranda Martin
