Life has been crazy!! Between school, class, family and church, I have been running at 60 mph. I have had no time to catch my breathe or even process all of it.

First things first...I am an aunt! Little Eli came into our family in the past 2 weeks. My brother and sister in love have been trying to adopt and they got the call the other week. I couldn't believe it! I cried when they told me. I knew that adoption can take a while so I had prepare myself to be patient with it. I am so excited to be an aunt. It is an amazing feeling and I love that little guy more than I could ever have imagined! He has brought so much joy to our family and we haven't met him yet!! I can't wait to meet him, give him kisses and tell him that I am, and will always be, his number one fan :) He is in the nicu because he was born at 30 weeks. He is doing well, though and just needs to grow a little bit more. Russell and Meagan are traveling back and forth to see him while trying to keep their life and house straight! There is still work to do and a nursery to decorate!

I am graduating in 6 weeks!! I can't believe it! It has been so long since I started this journey of school. I can't even tell you how wonderful it feels to be almost done. I have definitely caught senioritis and will be so happy on May 14. I am scared about the job market, but have an interview at the end of April in Texarkana. I will also be applying in many other districts, including ones in the Houston and Austin areas. I know and am trusting that the Lord has a plan for me!

Speaking of school... I am enjoying my second placement. I am in a resource/inclusion class. I go from classroom to classroom and service kids that need extra support. I have about 7 kids that I directly work with. I wish I could do this without the added paperwork that comes with it. I don't have to plan as much as I did in third grade but it is still pretty tough sometimes!

Church is going great. After I straightened out my attitude, I realized that I was serving the Lord, and noone else. I took on the job of decorating for VBS. I am excited to get started on it and making the church look like a ranch! Second's VBS is a "Round Up" theme this year!

I will also be going on the junior high beach retreat this June. 5 days with a bunch of 13 and 14 year olds. Sound fun? I think it will be a nice change from the elementary and give me some experience with older kids. Besides, I get to spend the week at south padre island (and this is after I spend a few days n Florida 2 weeks before).

I don't think my life is going to slow down for a while. I have a busy summer and depending on my job, I will start teaching somewhere in aug.

But for now, I will buckle my seatbelt, turn up the music, roll down the windows and enjoy the ride!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

I should be mad...but I choose to forget.
I should be worried...but I am at peace.
I should be anxious...but I am calm.
I should be quick to speak...but I hold my tongue.
I should be stressed...but I know I am not in control.

Philippians 4:6 "Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done."

Posted via email from Miranda's Dailies

I should be mad...but I choose to forget.
I should worried...but I am at peace.
I should be anxious...but I am calm.
I should be quick to speak...but I hold my tongue.
I should be stressed...but I know I am not in control.

Philippians 4:6 "Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done."

Posted via email from Miranda's Dailies


11:57 PM | 0 Comments

How can one person make you so mad yet make you laugh and smile in the same minute.

Posted via email from Miranda's Dailies

Music feeds my soul. If I am having a bad day, I can turn to my iPod and find the song that is describing the exact way I feel. I can let the humor of Jim lehrer or Monty python make me laugh and forget about my day. Selah and their renditions of the old hymns take me back to days in church when we sang out of the red hymnal (1,3 and 5 verses, of course).

Music got me through my grandfathers sickness. I would crank up selah and cry in the solitude of my room, being reminded with each word that God had a plan and a will for my bappaw and for me.
Memories are attached to different songs. I can remember who introduced me to a song or artist or an event that happened while listening to a particular song.

The sing "tick tock" by ke$ha will always remind me of driving in the car with an ex boyfriend, going somewhere. Most of chris Tomlin's sing bring me a sense of peace and joy. When I hear any type of techno- club music, I am reminded of driving around with my oldest brother while he was in highschool.

I sang "amazing grace" at my grandfathers funeral. I cannot hear that song without thinking about him. It is a little reminder that he is still around, in the little things.

Songs and quotes are to me like food or shopping is to others, a type of therapy...a way to cope with all the craziness and a way to get away from it all.

Posted via email from Miranda's Dailies

Why do we worry???  Why do I worry???  I went to Access tonight.  It was a great worship service with a great message.  I took some notes and thought I would share them with you.

Has your worry ever done you any good?
As a rule, men worry more about what they can't see then what they can see - Julius Ceaser

What we worry about:
Weight and appearance
Car troubles

We all worry about the same stuff.
When we worry, we are making a choice to forfeit our peace.

Phill 4:6-7. Anxious- Greek- to pull in opposing directions. Literally rips your life apart at the seams.
James 1:8. When you worry you are unstable emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Worry is a step into the direction of depression Proverbs 12:25

Worry is a sin of the heart because when you worry, you basically are saying that God is a liar. Romans 8:28
Worry is us telling God that we don't trust him. We choose to take that burden back and try to handle it ourselves.

Escape? Pray about everything!
Luke 18:1. Worry about nothing and pray about everything.

Rejoice in everything
Hebrews 13:5. We are not alone in our trials
We can rejoice in the fact that the situation we are in doesn't take him by surprise.

We should exchange our worries to God for peace.

Peace- Greek- to bring together
Isaiah 26:3-4
Psalm 55:22
The last 8 weeks have been interesting, to say the least.  From going into a class with 22 kids that consider me a white, country girl to being at a school that does it's best to care and nurture their kids, I have had the best experience!  Through out the day, I got little cards from different kids.  I loved watching the kids try to "hide" whatever they were writing or drawing for me.  

The owner of this card also sang me a song. 
 "We don't want you to go
We don't want you to leave
We want to hear you say
You will comfort us for the rest of our lives"

 The one above is from one girl that I thought didn't like me all that much.  She let me know that she had my back :) so funny!!

Today, while doing a lesson on inferencing, there was a starbucks card and the kids were supposed to infer that the owner of the purse was a coffee drinker.  The conversation went a little like this:

Teacher: So, what do we know about people who drinks coffee
Student:  They have a job!!! 

I will truly miss these little munchkins.  I have learned so much from them, and their teacher!  I, however, can't wait to see how the next 8 weeks go in Special Education (Resource)
