29 years ago, my brother said a prayer that changed his life.  He had put his quarter in the little church house bank and made a simple request.  I guess he figured that it was kind of like a toll booth-- may a toll and get a prayer answered.  When he got out of Sunday School, he told my mom that he had prayed for a little sister.  Russell says that he smacked Keith on the back of the head :)  What they didn't know, is that in 9 months (give or take) Keith's prayer would be answered.  Although my parents decided to not know what sex the baby was, Keith knew he was going to have that little sister. 

 I was born today, 28 years ago.  Russell uses this story as a "be careful what you pray for cause you just might get it"  I see it as that I am a gift, sent from heaven, to a little blonde headed boy that paid his "toll"  :)

Anyway you look at it.... I am so glad for that prayer-- because I was given the BEST two brothers (and sisters) in the entire world!! :)

Dear Baby

12:37 AM | 0 Comments

For those of you who don't know, my brother and sister in law are trying to adopt.  They have written "dear baby" letters and I thought that I would too!

Dear Baby-
                I don’t know your name, or what you look like, but you have captured my heart.  There are hundreds of people in the world praying for you and helping your mommy and daddy to get everything they need in order for you to come into their home, and our lives. 
                I wanted to tell you a little bit about your mommy and daddy, Uncle Keith and Aunt Sarah and Grumps and ….. Well, we will let you figure out a name for your grandma!  (Uncle Keith and I are rooting for “Mumps”!) I am your Aunt Manda, daddy’s little sister. 
                  First, your mommy and daddy are two of the most loving people that I know!  Your daddy can make the most beautiful music on the piano and guitar.  He even made a CD to help make sure that they have everything you need when you come to live with them.   Your mommy is one of the smartest and most caring people.  She helps “big kids” learn all different things in a big school.   They both love GOD so much and show it through the way they love their friends and family. 
                Now, Uncle Keith…..well, he is the craziest, funniest guy you will meet.   You two will instantly be buddies.  He will teach all kinds of fun things and will teach you how to cook!  Uncle Keith is daddy’s younger brother, my older brother.  When we were little, they used to tease me, but I always knew that they would be there for me, no matter what ever happened. It will be the same way for you! Aunt Sarah is Uncle Keith’s wife.  She just joined our family, but she is a Martin.  Smart and witty, she will be the one to go to for questions about writing and English! 
Oh yeah-- when you get up in school to Algebra, go ask Uncle Keith, mommy or grandma... you will not want Grumps, daddy or I to help you!
                Now, for Grumps and Grandma… these two will be your biggest fans!  They are so excited to meet you!  Grumps works a lot but has always made sure that your daddy, Uncle Keith and I have always had what we needed and as for grandma?  I am afraid you may not learn to walk early because she will want to hold you…all the time!  She loves and will give you as many cuddles and kisses as you ever want or need.  You know the best thing about grandma?  She makes Christmas the best!  It is the time of the year when Grumps and grandma make everything as special as they can for us.  When we were little, no matter what else we had to do or how little money we had, Grandma made sure we had presents and a tree.  She makes the holidays so special and memorable.   She always made sure we had stockings and that we got some of the things we wanted.  The most important thing we do at Christmas is make sure we spend it as a family.   I cannot wait to see you open up Christmas presents on Christmas morning!!  Oh, and Grumps makes the BEST chocolate chip cookies!  Just make sure mommy doesn’t see how many you have J
                And last, me, your Aunt Manda.  I am going to be a teacher, a special education teacher.  Kinda like your mommy, only I am going to help those kids that need just a little extra help to learn.
  I cannot wait to see your smile and to get sweet kisses and hugs.  I can’t wait to sing you to sleep and rock you in my arms.  I can’t wait to be there, when mom and dad just don’t seem to understand (and it will happen) I can’t wait to tell you all about your daddy and the funny things he did when he was little.  I can’t wait to take you fishing, and tell you about your great-grandfather.  I can’t wait to have you here, see your sparkling eyes and hear your little cries.
 You are special, little one
Sent from the heavens above.
Chosen for one family,
To cherish and to love.
                          ~Aunt Manda

Aunt Manda

if you would like to know more about Russell and Meagan's adoption journey please click here
Identity: condition or character as to who a person or what a thing is.

What is our identity?  What makes us who we are?  Is it our friends?  The ones that hold our hair back when we had too much to drink and eat gallons of ice cream as we cry over lost loves? Is it our family? The circumstances in how and where we grew up?  I grew up about 2 minutes away from where I live now.  My mom and dad are still together and I have two older brothers that are both married.  My family is close knit and when we get together there is no telling what will happen.  From playing cranium to bed surfing in a hotel, we enjoy every minute of our time together, but does that make me… me?  One of my brothers is more on the liberal side, the other seems more conservative.  Yet they both had the same group of friends as they were in their teen years.  This same group of friends held my “big sisters and brothers” and I idolized them.  
I, however, am of the opinion that it is the moments.  Those life altering, make-your-life-do- a-complete-180-while-spinning-you-so-fast-that-you-have-no-idea-which-way-is-up-or-down moments.  It is in those moments that you may have to make decisions when gripped with the fear of knowing that you might be making a choice to live or die. 
What makes me “me” is the moments that shaped my identity and have turned me into me.  The moments of choosing to sit with my best friend while she grieves instead of going to class.  The moments that allow me to show a child one strategy to help them read better.  The moments that allow me to worship my GOD.   What makes me me is the moments that I get to see my brothers find the love of their lives and join in unity.  The moments that make me realize that through everything, God has me in his arms, walking me through times of doubt, joy, sadness, and happiness.
Tomorrow will be a day of remembrance for many that knew a great guy named David.  He was my best friend's fiance and unexpectedly passed away last year, two weeks before they were to be married.  Through this last year, I have seen her handle this tragedy with grace, maturity and understanding like none other.  Please keep the Rosbrough and Lindsey family in your prayers as they remember a son, son-in-law, fiance, brother, cousin, and friend.  There are many that loved him and have not forgotten him.
