I am officially finished with my first week of being a 4th grade classroom.  Although I have lesson plans to finish and papers to grade, I thought I would take a few minutes to write down some things that I did not learn in school about teaching.

1.  The paper work at the beginning of the year is insurmountable.  20 packets with 8 papers that parents have to sign and return = a huge, unorganized mess

2. You have got to be flexible.  No matter how much you prepare and get things ready, something will change.  I gained 2 kids, 2 kids never showed up and my entire schedule got flipped on Friday.

3.  You will find things annoy you that you never thought would.  I can't stand personal sharpeners and the enormous mess they make.

4.  No matter how early you go to bed, you will be utterly exhausted the first week of school.

5.  No matter how much responsibility you have thrown at you during student teaching, nothing can prepare you for your own classroom.

6.  It is hard to keep a straight face when a kid make a funny remark that you should not laugh at.

7.  Your kids will take a piece of your heart home with them the first day of school.

I absolutely love my job!  I am so blessed to be in a profession where I get to see "aha" moments everyday.  I get to see children grow and mature, learn more about themselves and the world in which they live.  I have kids who come from amazing households and some who don't.  My heart expanded at 8:05 am on Monday morning to include 20 little darlings and their families.

I can't imagine doing anything else!
I recently bought the new Mandisa cd. I LOVE IT!!! It has actually been a stress reliever for me. The sista can sing and her songs have a great and uplifting message. The lyrics below have really been speaking to me!

Truth About Me

If only I could see me as You see me
And understand the way that I am loved
Would it give a whole new meaning to my purpose?
Change the way I see the world

Would I sparkle like a star in the night sky?
Would I give a little more instead of take?
If I understood I'm precious like a diamond
Of a worth no one could estimate
I'm a worth no one could estimate

You say lovely, I say broken
I say guilty, You say forgiven
I feel lonely, You say You're with me
We both know it would change everything
If only I believed the truth about me

I wish I could hold on to the moments
When my life is spinning but I'm peaceful still
Like a wind You whisper into silence
And tell me things this world never will
You tell me things this world never will

You say lovely, I say broken
I say guilty, You say forgiven
Oh, I feel lonely, You say You're with me
We both know it would change everything
If only I believed the truth about me

I would sleep better at night
Wake up with hope for another day
I would love even if it cost me
Take a chance and know I'm gonna be okay
I would dare to give my life away

Oh, I feel lonely, You say You're with me
We both know it would change everything
If only I believed, if only I believed the truth about me

Alief U

6:07 PM | 0 Comments

This past week, I went to Alief U. This is an intense four day conference that teaches the Alief thought. It taught me alot of activities and information that will allow me to encourage and engage my students. I am so thankful for a district that provides so much support to new teachers. I cannot wait to use all of the strategies that I have learned in the past few workshops in my classroom.

On the first day, I was sort of nervous about who all would be there. In 2009, there were 450 new teachers hired, in 2010, 250. This year, there were only 77 new hires. I was impressed and so thankful that I was one of them. I got to see two of my fellow Huskies that are teaching in the district too. It was awesome to see some familiar faces. I am looking forward to long days, long nights, tears and laughter. I really can't complian though. I am finally doing what I have been dreaming about for many years!

The Teacher

12:19 AM | 0 Comments

The other day, I was looking through my grandfathers books when I found "Leaves of Gold". I had first heard of the book from a friend on Facebook. It has a bunch of quotes and snippets of wisdom. I am a huge quote person, so it sparked my interest.

As I started looking through it I found many things that I liked. This is a poem I found.

The Teacher

Lord, who am I to teach the way
To little children day by day,
So prone myself to go astray?

I teach them knowledge, but I know
How faint they flicker and how low
The candles of my knowledge glow.

I teach them power to will and do,
But only now to learn anew
My own great weaknesses thru and thru.

I teach them love for all mankind
And all God's creatures, but I find
My love comes lagging far behind.

Lord, if their guide I still must be,
Oh, let the little children see
The teacher leaning hard on Thee.
-- Leslie Pinckney Hill

What a chance to be a witness teachers have! I will see my kids more than their parents will! What a chance to be such a blessing and show them the character of God!

Posted via email from Miranda's Dailies


I have been insanely stressed lately. Between helping out with my grandparents and sitting in in-services all day, I haven't had much time to do much else but school. Tonight I got a much needed break and created a poster for my room. It felt so good to create something and get my artistic juices flowing.

Posted via email from Miranda's Dailies

 “’For I know the plans I have for you’, declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you,’ declares the Lord, ‘and will bring you back from captivity.” Jeremiah 29:11-14a

These few verses have always been my favorite.  I love the hope and trust that they bring to the heart that has been left feeling alone, abandoned and rejected.  I have spent many nights crying out to the Lord and these verses have always been a sense of comfort. 

These past few months have been an emotional rollercoaster.   I have had many “high” moments followed by what seemed like endless “valleys”.  After graduation, I started the crazy job search.   This task seemed to be never ending.   It seemed that I was in an automated world as I filled out online applications, wishing for one universal databank that would give my resume to all potential employers.

At first, my heart was set on moving.  I wanted out of this place.  I talked to my brother and sister and they had said, “Yes!” to me staying with them for a few months until I found an apartment.  I wanted to be close to my nephew and far away from Pearland.  I prayed and prayed for the Lord to find me a place in Texarkana.   I didn’t even look at jobs anywhere near to the lovely city of Pearland. 
One day in June, a friend had told me that there was a position in Pearland, one lonely elementary position.  It didn’t repulse me as much as I had expected so I applied.  Then, I started thinking…  The idea of teaching in Pearland, while not my favorite idea, did not make me want to run away and scream as it had just a few weeks ago...Why not?

I had been keeping a prayer journal for the last few months.  I had been praying for some major things and I wanted to see how God responded to those.  One, of course, was my job.  I noticed that around the time the job opening for Pearland was open, my prayers had turned from “Lord, I need a job in Texarkana” to “Lord, I need a job.”   It was during that time that the Lord was changing my heart.

I had people praying for me in three categories.  One, to find a job in Texarkana; two, to find a job in Pearland; and three, to just find a job!  I wanted, obviously, the first category to win, so I found myself annoyed with those in category 2.  It wasn’t that I didn’t appreciate the flattery; it just didn’t go along with MY plan.  “My plan”…what an enormously wrong phrase.

The Lord was changing my heart to be okay with wherever he led me.  He also did not give me any choices.  I did not have any promising interviews or job leads during this time.  I was in the scariest place I could be, in my mindA: a place where I didn’t know what I was doing, where I was going or how I was going to get there.  I HATE being in that place.  It was here, though, that I learned several things pretty fast.  The Lord also reminded me of some things that I had forgotten.   I had forgotten that it wasn’t my plan.  I learned that it didn’t matter where I was physically.  My brother and his family were close enough to visit, only a phone call away.  What mattered was where I was mentally.   As I came to understand my feelings towards some situations and some people, I began to realize that the reason I wanted to move, more than anything, was that it was going to be my easy way out.  I thought that I was running to something, when I was actually running away from something and the Lord kept making me U-turn. 

The Lord has never given me options.  I felt the need to only apply to one college for my bachelors, I knew I was to be a teacher, and he only gave me one option for a job.  I never stood at the crossroads, wondering if I was taking his path.  I did, however, sit at the red light and wait…and wait… and wait.  
I hope that I am able to keep this lesson learned.  It seems to be a pattern in most of our lives that we learn a lesson, forget it and then have the same “aha” moment that we did the last time.  How great to have a God who forgives us for forgetting and loves us unconditionally.  How great is it to have a GOD who gives us gentle nudges, with the occasional shove, to let us know that He is in control, no matter what we might think!
