Thank you for being my father in heaven. I am thankful for the men that you placed in my life. My earthly father(s), brothers, uncles and friends. What an incredible bunch of Godly men. Thank you for the life you have blessed me with and the time that I was able to spend with my grandfather. Thank you for the gift of friendship with my best friend and the incredible impact she has had on my life. Thank you for the two most wonderful "sisters" and the love and devotion they have for you and my brothers. I believe (although I might be bias) that I have the two best brothers that anyone could ask for. One's love and devotion to you is inspiring and the other one has love just as strong although he may not be as open about it.
Thank you for a strong mother that has my best interest at heart. We may not see eye to eye, but I would not be who I am without her.
Thank you for the gift of music and the ability to glorify You with it. It is exciting to be able to perform a piece of music and hear it go through the rafters and into the heavens.
Thank you for the ability to draw and to use this gift to show my faith. It is wonderful to sit with a piece of paper, listen to music, and just draw. It almost always ends up being some sort of symbol of my faith.
Thank you for my passion of teaching children. They are the future of this world, and I am honored that You have allowed me to be able to work with them. I know that through them, I am able to change the place where I live.
Thank you for all of my hardships. Without these, I would not be who I am. I would have never become the strong, independent woman that I am today. Without the trials, I would not have come to realize what an important part of my life you and your love is.
Thank you for the opportunity to attend such a wonderful school and receive and education that will be vital to me continuing what you have planned for me.
Thank you for loving me so much that you have provided for me through everything. You know my heart and know what is best for me, even when I may not see it. You know which path I am to walk down and who I am to meet. You know where I will go and what I am to do. You love with out conditions and will never fail me.
Thank you~
Your Loving Daughter

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