Job update

8:56 AM | 0 Comments

I bet all of you reading are thinking that I have some news of a great job offer... nope... Not yet.

I have been getting a lot of questions about what is going on in the job hunt, so here goes:
I have applied for jobs in pearland, Texarkana and surrounding areas, colorado, Bryan, and some other small cities. I have gone on some interviews but nothing certain. It is frustrating but I am clinging to " Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord! (Psalm 27:14 NKJV)". I know a job is out there out there for me. God has changed my heart from being set on moving to being okay with where ever he places me.
Will you continue to pray for me for guidance, wisdom, and the certainty to say yes?


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Taken at Tom Bass III Regional Park

Posted via email from Miranda's Dailies

Sometimes, taking the high road is a tough pill to swallow....

Guard his heart and mold it to the person you want him to be. Keep him safe in your arms. Help him to be brave and confident in who he is and what he feels. Help him to express his wants and his feelings. He is such a blessing to those around him. Help me to show him the love and respect he deserves and that you have willed. Help my pride to dissolve and grant me the courage to love him as you do, unconditionally and forgiving. Help the hurt feelings to go away and grant him peace.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Who Am I?

9:17 AM | 0 Comments

In the past few months, I have filled out numerous job applications and have been asked," So, what are you going to do now?" more times than I care to say.  I have written paragraphs explaining who I am and why I want to teach in the particular school district.  I have answered questions on my philosophy of teaching and have talked about differentiated instruction until I am blue in the face.  

I honestly thought that getting my degree was going to finally answer the question that I had been asking myself for 28 years... WHO AM I?  I have had many identities.  I have been Russell and Keith's little sister, a hat I now proudly wear.  I am a granddaughter, daughter, sister-in-law, niece, cousin, aunt, college graduate, friend, singer, artist, photographer, and  hopefully a teacher.  But those are just the hats I wear, they don't really answer my question.  They only describe me on the outside, the things that I have done, not who I really am.  

Getting my degree has given me a lot of pride and a huge sense of accomplishment.  I am finally realizing that being a college student isn't who I am.  A teacher isn't who I am... and a babysitter isn't who I am.  They are things that I loved and roles that I had to play in order to be WHO God had planned for me.

I am...
 the girl who will do anything to not have someone mad at them
 the girl who will make her friends laugh when they are sad or upset
 the girl who will try to make a tense situation better, just so no one is uncomfortable
 the girl who tries to do the right thing, but inevitably messes things up more often than not
 the girl who does a poor job of concealing her emotions
 the girl who will complain and has to watch that
 the girl who loves God with her whole heart but tries to be in control
 the girl who will tell you like it is, even when it is just an opinion
 the girl who is not judgmental and will always try to include everyone
 the girl who loves the sappy chick flicks and love stories
 the girl who will write notes of encouragement just because
 the girl who wants her feelings validated
 the girl who needs a reminder that it is not all about her sometimes
 the girl who blushes at the slightest compliment
 the girl who loves her family more than life
 the girl who wonders when her prince is going to come 
 the girl who needs to rely on God more than she does
 the girl who loves children and has a passion for teaching
 the girl who needs to learn patience when it comes to her personal life
 the girl that is still learning about herself everyday and in every situation the Lord has put her in.

‘Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ Isaiah 41:10
Keslie and I 

Waiting for Graduation to start

When is my name going to be called?

Getting hooded

The best friend in the entire world!

The family...minus a few

Kort and I 

I did it!!

the grandparents

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My dad was the first man to love me, hold me, and dance with me.  My dad never missed a concert, event or important day in my life.  He would get off work to see a musical that I was in for all of the performances.  6 shows of a high school musical for 8 years are enough to make him Father of the Year.  No matter what things my two brothers and I had going on; my dad tried his hardest to make it.  If he was unable, then he would get someone to take his place.  My mom talked of times when my dad would get home from work at midnight and take my brother for walks up and down the street because he couldn't sleep, even though my dad had to be up early the next morning.
This year, my family gets to celebrate two fathers, my dad and my oldest brother, Russell.   It has been a blessing to see my dad and brother blossom into their new roles as grandfather and father to Eli.
I have asked each of them some questions about being fathers.  I will let them do the talking!

Most fathers have 9 months to prepare for a baby.   You had only a few weeks.  How did you start to prepare for this tiny baby to come home?
Russell: When we turned in our adoption profile we knew that it could be a few weeks, or a few years before we would get the call. We went ahead at that time and made the decision to start getting things ready, as if we would be getting a child as soon as possible. We prepared a room for the nursery, bought a rocker and crib and started making lists of things we would need. Once we got the call, we started buying things as we could, setting up the nursery and getting ready.
Our friends and family helped alot to. Having so many people to ask questions to, and who gave suggestions on what to buy, and what we didn't really need.
Dad, you had 9 months to get ready, what did you do?
Lamaze training and painted the room in the new house we moved into and put together a baby bed.
Russell, you knew that Eli was going to be in the hospital for a while.  How long was he actually in the hospital?  What complication did you have getting him home?
The toughest part of him being in the hospital was being so far away. He was in Oklahoma, we were in Texas, and there was 5 1/2 hours of asphalt in between. We could not leave till Friday afternoon because of Meagan teaching, and most of the time had to be back on Saturday night because of my responsibilities leading worship. With only a few exceptions we did alot of up one day, down the next trips. That was probably the toughest part.
I really didn't worry too much about him while he was in the hospital. We had great nurses, and they told us to call and check on him anytime. It was the next best thing to being there.
How did you and Meagan come up with your son's name, Elijah?
Russell: Meagan had first names picked out since we started this process. I got to choose the middle name and went with Glenn in honor of my Grandfather and to keep that name alive. It's also my middle name.
Dad, how did you and mom come up with Russell’s name?
Looked through baby name book to find one that went with the name Glenn.
What was it like to see Eli for the first time?
Russell: Scary... he was 2lb 1oz when we saw him for the first time. He was off the ventilator but still hooked up to tubes, and leads. Was also scary trying to figure out what each of the monitors was, and whether the numbers showing meant he was doing well or bad? Then they really scared me by asking if I wanted to hold him. I don't think I touched him at all until the nurse had laid him on my chest and covered him with a blanket. I didn't touch him at all when she took him away. I didn't want to break him.

Dad, what was it like to see Russell for the first time?
It was awesome and a little bit unnerving.
How about when you saw Eli for the first time?
Exciting, Awesome, and humbling all at the same time.
How are you adjusting to being a new dad?
Russell: Everything revolves around a 3-4 hour clock. That’s probably one of the toughest things is to schedule trips, meetings, our own meal times etc around his schedule. He still uses oxygen for feeding so those most of the time are done at home. It is an adjustment but I realize there will be many more adjustments for the rest of my life... I'm ok with that.
Dad: I had to be more responsible. It changed the way we traveled, the way we ate, nearly everything.
What is something that really surprised you about being a dad?
Russell: I'm surprised most of all how easily I have adjusted. After a few weeks it seems so natural. Nothing really surprises me and I am taking most of it in stride. There are always things that are tough, but with my wonderful wife, and God we've been able to make it through everything so far.
Dad: That I could raise children successfully with my wife’s help.

You have had many men in your life to look up to.  Is there a specific tradition or value that you want to teach Eli as he is growing up?
Russell: Don't take things too seriously and spend your time, money, love, and energy on the people and things that matter in the long run. Growing up I knew many people with little money and lots of Joy, because they enjoyed what they had and did not waste time pursuing what they didn't have.
Dad, who were some father figures that you looked up to?
My dad (grandpa), Phyllis’ dad (Bappaw), and Grandpa Fleer
Is there anything else you wish to say about being a new father?  Do you have any advice for those going through the first steps of adopting?
Russell: We chose to go through and agency for our adoption and I think that made all the difference in the world. To have a group of people with over 100 years of experience in adoption, who have been in almost every situation and who talk and walk with you through it was awesome. Realize that adoption is an EXPENSIVE process, but don’t wait till you have enough money to have a child, you'll never get there. We cut back on our spending, our Sunday school class held a garage sale, I made a CD that I sold, all to raise the needed money. If you pray about it, and it is what God has called you to do, then he will provide.
Dad, what advice do you have for new fathers out there?
Go with your instincts, not the books. Realize that you are going to make some mistakes, and be involved in their activities.
If you would like to read Russell and Meagan’s adoption journey, please click here. There is also the link to buy a copy of the CD that he made to help raise funds.
What does Mod Podge...

A blank canvas...

A paintbrush...
A picture...

And a bag of shells make?

A beautiful keepsake of my parasailing trip with my dad!!

Oh....and a cute picture of my favorite little nephew :)
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Rather then write a lot about my trip, I am letting the pictures do the talking.. ENJOY!!
getting the mini vacay started
the surf

Pensacola Beach, FL

Getting creative

A really BIG gun

A Fort that was used to protect the coast in WW2 (if an invasion had happened)

My Daddy

There is more than $550,000 on the walls in this place

Mr and Mrs Martin

I added my $


Sign painted on the outside wall

Close up of the leprechaun


I think this guy was going to bite me...

Grumps is beginning to look like Grandpa
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getting ready to fly

Nervous?  NAH!!

Our ride

All strapped in and ready to go

And we are off!

Getting higher...

...and higher..

Now a dip in the pool

Then back up again

Coming in for a landing

the view from above

There is our boat..follow the line

another view

we survived

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