As many know, I am the director for the singles bible study, Elevate, at my church~ Second Baptist- Pearland Campus. We meet at the Pearland Cinemark Theater. I have decided that with all of this technology and tools to reach people, why not use it for a good cause, to reach singles and put out a positive message. The blog will have event details for the month, summaries of our lessons, pictures of past events, and devotionals. Hope to see you there! Click here to see blog.

8:20 PM | 1 Comments

On February 28, I walked the 5K rodeo race downtown Houston. I loved it! It was so much fun!!! I made new friends and did something that I didn't think I could do!! Here are a couple of pictures!


Before the race

Crossing the finish line ( I am in the pink)


My time plus a few seconds...
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My girls

10:37 PM | 1 Comments

I have had a lot of friends come and go in my life. Many of them have stayed more than gone :) Throughout my life, I have found friends that have helped me through the different stages of my life. They have encouraged me, loved me, laughed and cried with me, and stuck with me when the going got tough. I would give anything to help any one of my girls that needed me, anytime, anywhere. Sarah, Heidi, Melodye, Michelle(s), Tanya, Rachel(s), Dru, Shannon, Meagan, Sarah, Kelly, Aeriel, my mom, my cousins, my aunts and all of the other women that have made an impact on my life, I thank everyone of them!
I love you, girls!
**I can't put a pic of everyone up, so these are just a few of my "girls"



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So, in the past few weeks I have been reading a book called Lady in Waiting. I love this book! It talks about how you should be fulfilled through a relationship with Christ, not through a man, job, house, etc. The chapter I am on is called the Lady of Diligence. It talks about all the things that you can do during this time of waiting. Being a single woman, I can do things now, that I would never be able to if I had family responsibilities. So I decided to make a list.

I want to:
1) write a series of devotionals based on my life experiences as a single Christian girl
2) spend a summer in a 3rd world country helping new mothers learn the importance of early child development
3) work as a counselor at various youth and children events
4) Travel on Route 66 across America

These are just a few things that I want to do...
If you are just waiting for things to happen, what are some things that you want to do for God and his glory while you wait?
