A new blog

11:46 PM | 0 Comments

To all those parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teenagers, childcare givers: Come visit my new blog The Sitter's Word You will find information on various topics dealing with childcare. I have been taking care of children for 12 years and am currently working on my special education degree at Houston Baptist University. Feel free to check it out and leave a comment with topics that you would like to be discussed. I will try to give my opinion, and if I can't, then I will find someone to! Please forward my blog to anyone who might enjoy reading my blog, or contributing!!
My friend James is in the Marines, currently stationed in Afghanistan. We grew up together and he has always been there for me. I am so proud of his accomplishments. I wrote the poem below, for him, as a token of my friendship. Everyone deserves to know what an impact they have had on their friends, and this was what I did.

A boy is born, so eager to learn
The love of a family, he does not have to earn.

A son grows up, praising God all of his days,
His brilliant light shining in glorious rays.

A friend is treasured, for many are touched
By the concern and care, that is given so much.

A soldier is trained, to fight for a cause,
Becoming a leader without thought or pause.

A man emerges, so steady and true
A blessed gift, through and through.

Well folks, I have started the last chapter!! I am going to start my first of four, count them 1..2..3..4, semesters left. Things have been slow going these past 7 years and I finally feel that things are moving...fast! I start school on Monday with 15 hours (+4hrs observation a week) If you have read my previous post, you will know that I am nervous about Monday. I have reflected on this feeling and have figured out a couple of things: I just quit working for the Harms as much; I am unsure of how I am going to be making my money. I think that I am at the pivotal moment of my life and everything is coming together, which is a good thing, but it scares the CRUD out of me!! In two years, I will be a contributing member to the education of children! Not to mention the fact that I will be able to pay regular taxes and FINALLY move out!

It is just different....change, and it takes time to digest it all!
It seems to never fail that as soon as I hit the one week mark for the beginning of school I get nervous! It is around my 19th first day of school and I am restless and nervous, wanting to get it over with. I am very excited to get started. But what is with the nervousness??
Well, I know that it will be a great year! I have (hopefully) found a part time job in an after-school program 3 days a week. Although I will be scraping change for a drink for the next two years, it will pay off in the end. Due to my crazy schedule with school, and Kort being 4(augh!)I will no longer be with my old job this year. I will still see them on Thursdays, but he will be busy 4 days a week now. the changing of the guard has happened and I am still in shock. I can somewhat relate to the mom who realizes that their children are older and they do not need their mom to do every little thing for them. It will take some time for ALL of us to get used to me not being around as much. I have enjoyed watching the boys grow up though! no matter how crazy things were at times!


8:22 PM | 0 Comments

I have just put the kids to bed. I am at my boss' house, taking care of her two kids while she enjoys an evening out with her husband. I love these boys, but i could not get them to bed fast enough tonight. I had an allergic reaction to poppy seed dressing today and had to take some Benadryl. This, in turn, has made me incredibly sleepy. Like most sleep deprived people, I get VERY irritated when I am sleepy... this made the couple hours that I had with the boys very trying, with a lot of "I'm sorry" and "please don't argue" Eventually though, the boys settled down, and I have too. My bed time is fast approaching, the boys are tucked in, the trash has been taken out, and it is time to say "Adios!" Good night...sleep tight...do not let the bed bugs bite!
