Being at the race and seeing all the cars was a pretty cool experience. I enjoyed it a whole lot more than I thought and met a lot of incredibly nice people. I learned some racing terms and saw some cars that cost more than I would EVER dream of making in a year. But, I also met and watched a group of extremely passionate people do something that they absolutely loved! It was great to see so much enthusiasm. The kids that were able to come seemed to have a GREAT time :)
The Ferrari (insert a bunch of car specifications here) that all the boys were drooling over. I have to admit... it was a pretty cool car!
watching the racers go by

#22 is Ross' friend Jeremy (I think)
I personally like this car!
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I spent the majority of my day today at the race track, down close to Angelton,Tx. I had no clue that it was even there! It is pretty cool. My friend Ross invited me down to see some of his racing buddies race. A lady from our bible study also brought a small group of kids out to see everything. We first raced go-karts on the track next to the big track. It was so much fun :) Here is us getting the safety talk
Gentlemen, err...ladies... START YOUR ENGINES
I am the speck of bright pink going down the track
All done and styling in the race helmet
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REDO!!! As I was reading everyone else's 25 list, I realized that half of my stuff was not random... everyone knows about my school stuff... so I thought I would try again. I think I succeeded in being random this time.

1. I love to sing Disney songs from all the different movies throughout the years.
2. It takes me a while, until I know you well, to tell you what I am really thinking about a subject. I am working on this, though
3. I have recently become a fan of Taylor Swift
4. I will choose sweet tea over any other choice of drink
5. I generally don't mind still living with my parents...although I have my moments
6. I cry at one Hallmark Christmas card commercial...the one where the girl is spending her first Christmas with her husband's family... *sniff*
7. I am addicted to my blackberry and have had to take programs off of it so that I don't check it constantly
8. I graduated in the lower half of my class in high school (I was super lazy and barely went to class) and have only recently cared about my grades.
9. I raised 2 pigs and 2 cows in high school. woohoo, FFA!!
10.I don't like driving with other people in the car. I would rather be a passenger. But I like to drive when I am the only one.
11.I hit a funeral procession (funeral directors car)- in my defense, I did not get a ticket and if the police man had been where he should have been, I would have killed him.
12.I was ticked at my older brother for 6 wks when he left for college. It took a while for him to figure it out.
13.I will generally not tell you when I am mad at you. (hence the reason for number 12)
14.I have a hard time talking about my faith with you until I know about yours. Something else I am working on.
15.I have a hard time taking a compliment.
16.I am not a perfectionist in most areas.
17.My car is always messy
18.If you can get me talking about my personal life, you might want to cancel your evening plans
19.I love eating raw dough (cookie, biscuit,pie)
20.I do not like my things to touch on my plate and will only eat one item on my plate at a time
21.I have a texture issue with food... thick, smooth and creamy is not good for me
22. The only vegetable I would eat when I was little was green beans. It has only been since high school that I have expanded to salads, broccoli, peas, etc...
23.I have a fear of the unknown (I like to know what is going on:))
24.My family and friends are my life. I love going to family Christmas, weddings, and parties.
25.I have never thought of myself as a leader, and if you tell me I am, I will laugh and get embarrassed.
... and one more, just because...
26. I am very afraid of speaking in a group of adolescents and adults. Give me a room full of elementary kids, I am fine. Put me in front of my peers and have me talk about something? have a trash can ready :) This is the problem I am having with taking mass communications this semester...2 speeches AUGHHHHHHHH

Thank you

10:42 PM | 0 Comments

Yes...two blogs in one night!

I have a hard time with taking compliments. Earlier this week, I had a horrible day with many self-doubting thoughts running through my head. Some were that I couldn't do what God had laid down for me, wondering why God chose me for certain tasks. I have never, ever had a day like that. After a little coercion from a friend, I started talking about things. It seemed to all boil down to one thing, lack of confidence in my abilities.
I tend to think of myself as still being 12. Although it helps me to youthful and fun with young ones, thinking that way can severely hinder my self image. I have a hard time taking on leadership positions, not only for fear of FAILURE(that dirty 7 letter word) but I seem to not get over the " I am too young" thought. I will tell myself that no one will listen to me and that I haven't had near enough experience with whatever topic it is. It doesn't really matter if it is true or not. I seem to lose sight of the fact that God wouldn't give it to me if he didn't think I was the best person for it.
A great example... I am the director of the Elevate bible study at my church. This group is a mixed group of single people from 20's to 60's. We have the BEST time in class and outside of church too! I have received compliments of how great the group is going. It has been hard for me to say thank you, not because I am rude, but because I see things that could be changed and done better. Are there things we could be doing differently? Definitely. Are there things that we are doing really well? Most definitely!
As I have been trying to walk more in God's light, I decided to see what the bible said about confidence. Here is what it had to say:

Psalm 71:4-6 (New International Version)

4 Deliver me, O my God, from the hand of the wicked,
from the grasp of evil and cruel men.

5 For you have been my hope, O Sovereign LORD,
my confidence since my youth.

6 From birth I have relied on you;
you brought me forth from my mother's womb.
I will ever praise you.

God has been there for me through my youth. It is only through His grace that I have been able to get to where I am.
I am beginning to get really excited! I cannot rightly describe how awesome it is to know that in a year and a half, I will be out of school (yeah!) and on to a great job. I can't begin to even describe what I feel when I think about what I will be doing and experiencing in my job. To see a child learn how to count the correct change or how to mail a letter. Little things that we, living a "normal" life, take for granted everyday. I cannot wait to help a girl learn to use a bus pass or make a sandwich. I want to teach my students functional academics that will help them to become productive citizens, but help teach the social skills that are needed to maintain lasting relationships. Even the simple task of voting. Do I sound incredibly optimistic? Probably, but to even think that I may have to chance to help one child have a better education and life makes me swell with pride. I cannot wait for the chance to get into a room that is "mine" with "my students". I cannot wait to help mold my students into a team that builds people up, and accomplishes great things, things beyond anyone's (including mine) imagination. Too many times, students that are different or have difficulties get left in the cold. They have great ideas and feel the same emotions that you and I do. I believe that they deserve the same things. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, " know that one life has breathed easier because you have lived, this is to have succeeded." How amazing to leave that kind of imprint on the world!


10:38 AM | 0 Comments

"Why, oh God, do I worry about things when I know that your plan is so much better than anything I could imagine? Why do I give my problems up to you, only to turn around and take them back, thinking that I can do a much better job. What things could I possibly do better than you, Father. Prepare my heart for your will and help me to have a submissive mind and soul. For you know the plans that you have laid before me. You know what is best. You have laid out a life for me, with all the blessings you have prepared for me. I give it all to you Lord. I give you my future, all the dreams I have can be accomplished only with your help. I give you my family and friends, Lord. I give you my issue of marriage and relationships. For you know the guy that is perfect for me. Whether I am not ready or it is he, I know that when the time is right, he will walk through the door and everything will be right. It is all in your timing, Lord. I am so thankful for the many blessings you have given me. For the my friends and family, for my education and school, for my new friendships and the chance to make many more. I thank you for the chance to lead a wonderful group of singles through the path that You have laid for them. I lift them up and pray that you will shower them with the many blessings they deserve. Lift my spirit today Lord, that I will see Your hand in all that crosses my path, no matter the tears or laughter. I lay down my worries, Lord, and pick up the cross. I pick up my cross and follow you, the one that brings everlasting life."

I have had a crappy day today. I woke up with my brain full of things that I have decided are important enough to worry about....wrong! There is nothing that is actually important enough to worry about. A lot of the things that I am worrying about I have NO control over, so why should I worry about it. I have given things up to God, and then have decided to take them back, thinking that He is not doing the job that I want. He wasn't being fast enough, or getting the results that I wanted...I want...I want. That is all that I have been talking about. Why are things not going my way, what i want to happen, who i want to date, what i want or don't want to do... It is not about me, at all. Have you ever had one of those days? Where you just know that you could do a better job than anyone else in your own life? Has it ever turned out for the best? Do you ever wonder if it could be better if God has been in control? I am the director of a wonderful group of singles. I wonder what God was thinking, putting me in charge. Did he know that I don't have everything worked out? That when ones asks a question, I may not answer the way they need it? Self doubt is creeping in and putting a blanket over my light.
I like to learn random things about people, so i thought you might like to learn some thins about me.

1. I like to procrastinate
2. I love being with my family
3. I attend HBU
4. I am getting my special education degree
5. I want to get my Master's in Educational Diagnostics
6. I am the director of my bible study at church
7. I bite my nails, but am trying to stop
8. I could watch movies all day, 24/7
9. I have never lived in a house with cable TV
10. I can sing
11. Painting/drawing calms me down and helps me to deal with stress
12. I love to drive with the windows down and the radio up
13. My dog is like my child....couldn't live without him
14. I am really bad at finances
15. I would like to have my doctorate in something
16. I only want to stay home with my kids when they are really little, then I would still like to work, even if it is part time.,
17. Can not stand people that make fun of other one's hobbies
18. Would rather have potato chips or bread over dessert (unless it is chocolate cookies :))
19. Miss fishing in the creek with my Bappaw
20. am very loyal to my friends
21. have not missed more than a handful of Christmas Eve candlelight services through the years
22. Listens to Christmas music, even in June :)
23. cannot stand reality tv
24. knows way more about the holocaust than a normal person should :)
25. God is Number 1 in my life!
I love World War 2. I enjoy reading about the Holocaust and the war. Weird, huh? I have been told a number of times how strange, "interesting", weird, gruesome.... you get the point :) I have never really been able to understand my own intrigue with this topic. It is something that I have always been really interested in it. I remember being mad about at my parents when they went to see Schindler's List and did not allow me to go. I was eleven. After I saw the movie in 1997, on TV, I understood my parent's decision. I visit the history section first when I go to a bookstore. I look to see if there are any new books. I have one bookcase in my room completely devoted to books on WW2, the Holocaust and Germany during that time. I have seen as many documentaries that I can on it and am probably one of the only people that has been to the Houston Holocaust Museum more than once. i ask for movies and books on that time for Christmas. I want to learn about all aspects of it. My dream vacation is to take a tour of the different camps around Germany and Poland... I know, I know.
I was thinking the other day about why I like this subject. What, in my sick brain, is attracted to all of this. After watching Defiance yesterday, I figured it out.

It is the fact that through the severest adversity, this group of people stayed faithful to God, and survived. They survived the brutality and grief. They endured the unthinkable and at the end, got up, and started walking forward. I think that reading the stories of winning against all odds gives me inspiration. I could not imagine being sent from my house with nothing to a camp. Or being called names and being spat at by people that were my "friends". I can't imagine what it must be to see family members shot for walking on the wrong side of the street or because a soldier was doing target practice. Although many did not survive... their stories of what they went through have. Every year, biographers and historians shed a little more light on the heroic tales.
Many of the heroes in these stories refuse their famous status. They simply did what was necessary. Many deny the fame and choose to live their life humbly in the warmth and love of their families and friends. Defeat was not an option for them.

“Our hope is that the archive will be a resource so enduring that 10, or 50, or even 100 years from now, people around the world will learn directly from survivors and witnesses about the atrocities of the Holocaust.” Steven Spielberg

These shells are from when I went to Galveston

The other day, I got this poem in an email and thought it was cute. It reminded me of how we can find God in everything. He made all that we have and see everyday. May God bless you and your family throughout this week.

The Legend of the Sand Dollar

There’s a lovely little legend
that I would like to tell,
of the birth and death of Jesus,
found in this lowly shell.

If you examine closely,
you’ll see that you find here,
four nail holes and a fifth one,
made by a Roman’s spear.

On one side the Easter lily,
its center is the star,
that appeared unto the shepherds
and led them from afar.

The Christmas Poinsettia
etched on the other side,
reminds us of His birthday,
our happy Christmastide.

Now break the center open,
and here you will release,
the five white doves awaiting,
to spread Good Will and Peace.

This simple little symbol,
Christ left for you and me,
to help us spread His Gospel,
through all Eternity.

Author Unknown
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Today began like any other day. I got up around 9, checked the status of everyone on facebook and went back to sleep. I officially got up at 10 and went to the park to run 3 miles. It was great to be able to walk/run straight for that length of time. I was able to listen to goofy music and enjoy the fresh air. I ran and walked to, as embarrassing as this is, the HSM 2 soundtrack... it may not be the best movie, but the soundtrack is fast paced and great to run to.

I finished my run and came back home to show and then it was off to run errands. We are having a birthday party in bible study tomorrow, so I was in charge of the decorations. Balloons- check, favors- check, noisemakers- check, candy- check, punch- check. I got everything on my list and started home. I got caught up in the crazy Pearland traffic! FRUSTRATING!! What is it that makes a perfectly normal human being absolutely crazy when they get behind a wheel! It seemed that the entire city of Pearland was rushing to get somewhere and felt that they were the only ones on the road. I finally got home and started to get ready for my night. Then, I got a message..."got tied up, have to reschedule" Although I am good friends with the writer of this message FRUSTRATION set in again. I don't think that I was upset at the fact that someone canceled on me, I was frustrated at the fact that I, all of a sudden, had no plans. I had been looking forward to dinner, too :)

It has ended up being a pretty okay night. I bought a $2.97 bottle of wine, and have enjoyed a quiet evening at home. Do I want an explanation? Not really, I don't feel that it was done out of malice. Will I remember it in a week? Probably not. Like getting caught in traffic, it was just another interruption in my day.
Today, I joined thousands of other people that read Living Proof Ministries blog in memorizing 2 scriptures a month. Together with these fellow bloggers, I have decided to learn a scripture every two weeks for the entire year.

Deut. 32:46-47 "he said to them, "Take to heart all the words I have solemnly declared to you this day, so that you may command your children to obey carefully all the words of this law. [47] They are not just idle words for you--they are your life. By them you will live long in theland you are crossing the Jordan to possess."

I think that it is important to keep God's word in your heart and to speak them daily. I have a hard time reading my bible. Not because I do not want to, but because I am fearful of not understanding it. Who wants to read something that they don't understand. I am realizing though, that to understand the Bible, and understand the plans that He has laid down for me, I have to read it, and to read it, I have to open it up. I am not one for new years resolutions, but i guess that in my desire to become closer to God, I will be trying to read my bible everyday and using the resources necessary to understand what He has written for me.

I will be writing my scriptures here. Please feel free to learn them with me, or learn your own! You can also follow the link to Living Proof blog (i have linked it in the beginning) and sign up with them.
January 1- Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) "For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
