Maybe I should start in the beginning…
In January, I started
my last semester in school- student teaching.
I taught with two teachers (8 weeks each) and became an integrated part
of the classrooms. It was a fun and eye
opening experience as I learned what it really took to be a teacher. Throughout the 16 weeks, I tried to balance
the classes I was taking, teaching, and a life.
School generally got all of my time and dedication.
The next weekend, I graduated! It took 10 years, but I finally made it
across the stage and received my diploma.
It was one of the top ten days that I have had. After the ceremony, I had several friends and
family come to my uncle’s house where we had a big bash complete with paw print
cookies and hamburgers.
In August, I got a
phone call that someone wanted to interview me for a 4th grade
position. I couldn’t believe it!! It was one of the only offers I had
gotten. I quickly went on it…not
knowing the whirlwind my life was about to be on. I got the job 2 weeks before the kids
started. I started the week after I
signed my contract and went through a week long new teacher orientation. It was very helpful but really intense. I was able to get into my classroom and I
started to prepare for my students.
I love my classroom and teaching! I am utterly exhausted but
I know that it is where God wanted me and I am blessed everyday by my 19 kids. They are smart, funny, sweet and yes, drive
me crazy every now and then. My
co-workers are so encouraging and helpful.
My principal is AH-mazing along with the specialists and other
staff. Fourth grade is a tough
year. The curriculum is harder and the
testing changes. This is also the year
that the students have to get ready for 5th grade. It is interesting to see the growing and
maturing that my students are going through.
So exciting!
Recently, I moved
into my own place. I had been staying with
my grandma from July to November. My
grandfather broke his hip and is in a rehab place, so I was helping my grandma
out. I decided, however, that it was
time for me to get out on my own. I took
the plunge and rented a one-bedroom apartment in Pearland. It is a cute place that fits my needs really
I have been blessed beyond belief this year and can’t
believe how many goals I have achieved.
I cannot wait to see what adventures God has in store for me in 2012!
May God bless you and your family!
Miranda Martin
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