
10:38 PM | 0 Comments

I just got done eating dinner with 2 of my most favorite people in the world.  I have 3 ladies that I have come to  rely on for all things "teacher" and for their beloved friendship.  We try to get together around once a month and talk about jobs (we are all teachers), kids, boys, and life in general.  It was so much fun to see them, and play host to them as we celebrated Christmas.  Thanks girls!

As I was showing them around my apartment tonight and chatting I became in awe of how wonderful my life is.  I know what you are thinking... CONCEITED, much?  You could say that, I guess.  There, as ashamed as I am to say it, haven't been many times that I can say I am content.  There has always been something that I wanted, needed or complained about.  I don't think I have it all together, by any means, but I feel happy and content in where I am.

I have, in previous posts, talked about my family, friends, job, etc.  I am grateful for those.  If someone asked me to explain how I feel about those, I could go on and on.   In the past, there has always been the "This is great, but I wish..."  The "But" clause, as I have just now called it, has been a source of discontentment.
" My life is great, BUT I wish I made more money"
"My life is great, BUT I wish I had someone to come home to."
"My life is great, But I wish I had this car, or these clothes, or this TV."  
These are all things that, yeah, I still want.  I can wait, though.   I have a drive in me to become a specialist in the teaching field.  I have, somewhere in me, the ability to stick to a budget and use my money more wisely, which would allow me to have the material things I want.  I am also learning that God's plan is more important than my plan.  My plan has been out the window a long time ago.

I am happy with the fact that I can (as I am right now) sit in my pj's with a glass of wine, typing away to a world beyond me while Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald play in the background.  I can put my all into my job and focus on my 18 little babies and into my walk with the LORD.

I am happy that I can pay my bills and have some left over for fun.  I know that many people in the world cannot do that.  I am learning to live within my means and take pleasure in providing dinner for my friends without it costing me anything extra.

In his book, Authentic Faith, Gary Thomas says:
 Contentment is a conscious decision to rest in the providence of God, a humble embracing of the fact that we can learn lessons where ever we are.  It doesn't entirely preclude working for something "better", but cultivates a spirit of thankfulness even in less-than-ideal situations.
 I don't necessarily think that just because I say I am content means that I don't want anything to change, ever.  I would love to have someone to come home to and to live in a house that I own.  I would love to take extravagant vacations and have a media room.  But God placed me here, for a reason, in the situation I am in.    I am happy and willing to wait on the Lord to show me my next step :)

May He grant you according to your heart’s desire,

         And fulfill all your purpose.

Psalm 20:4 (NKJV)

