I remember that my mom spent a lot of time at his house while he was sick. She helped my grandmother take care of him. He had cancer. The man who I thought would never die, who would see me graduate, get married and meet my kids had a prognosis of 6 months to live.
He spent many days under a blanket, taking a nap and trying to get enough rest. He lost a lot of weight throughout his illness. It was hard to see the once invincible man have a hard time sitting up in a chair for more than 30 minutes. That man was tough, though. He never complained or whined about being sick. He told me that he was going to, "Live until I die". He took the illness in stride and dealt with what God had given to him. I remember that on one occasion, while he was still able to get up and walk around, I was sitting at the kitchen table studying. I had just started my first semester at HBU and I had a test the next week. As I sat there, all I could think of was wanting some sort of sign that he knew I was there. I wanted him to acknowledge me. I remember praying to God to help him show a little of his old self. I needed to see a glimpse of my Bappaw. As he walked by, his strong, callused hand squeezed my shoulder. It was a small gesture of love, but it was what I needed. He told me he loved me in his own way. As I left to go back home, I knew that it was going to be the last time I saw him walking.

He only spent about a week in the hospital bed. I got a phone call around 2 in the morning on May 5 that he had passed away. I never saw him after I got the shoulder squeeze.
After he passed, the funeral was planned and my grandmother asked my brother and I to sing. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done.
As three years have passed, I miss him just as much today as I did then. I am sad he won't see me graduate. I know that he was proud of me. I know that he loved me and I know that I will see him again. Still, it doesn't make the hurt go away. It doesn't make the part of my heart that broke three years ago mend faster. The memories help. The pictures of things we did together or places he took me help me to remember the man I adored.
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