What can I say? I have loved you from the moment I got the news that you would be a Martin. You have been prayed for even before you were born...even before you were conceived. Once again, God showed his amazing power and promise of fulfilling his children's desires in His precious time. You are a miraculous answer to a family's prayer. You are the beginning of a new dynamic in the Martin household.
I don't know if you will ever realize the amount of people you have on your side. People that don't even know your mommy and daddy are praying and praising God for you!
Your mom and dad are busy preparing your room...with a space for me to stay when I come to visit. I think uncle Keith is already dreaming up ways to help you to annoy and humor your parents.
Grumps and honey seem ecstatic to have a grandson. I can't wait to see their faces as they hold you for the first time. I will tell anyone who will listen about you. I make sure they know the blessing and joy you have brought to our family.
You will be spoiled, babe... I bought you an elephant a few days after I knew you were here.

If you pull his tail, he plays music!
I can't wait to kiss and hug you...hold you and feed you. I will even change you (maybe) :)
I also can't wait to "kick" mom and dad out and have "Aunt Mir" time with you!! Maybe we can get grumps to make his famous chocolate cookies :)
Your daddy's family is loud, crazy, funny and the best role models of how to be a family. Your mommy's side is just the same.
There will be time to play and laugh, wrestle and snuggle... But for now, rest...eat...grow...and get better! You are loved, my boy, very, very loved!

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What a precious keepsake this will be for Eli. You are a special Aunt.
(Lynne, Alvin, TX)
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