29 years ago, my brother said a prayer that changed his life.  He had put his quarter in the little church house bank and made a simple request.  I guess he figured that it was kind of like a toll booth-- may a toll and get a prayer answered.  When he got out of Sunday School, he told my mom that he had prayed for a little sister.  Russell says that he smacked Keith on the back of the head :)  What they didn't know, is that in 9 months (give or take) Keith's prayer would be answered.  Although my parents decided to not know what sex the baby was, Keith knew he was going to have that little sister. 

 I was born today, 28 years ago.  Russell uses this story as a "be careful what you pray for cause you just might get it"  I see it as that I am a gift, sent from heaven, to a little blonde headed boy that paid his "toll"  :)

Anyway you look at it.... I am so glad for that prayer-- because I was given the BEST two brothers (and sisters) in the entire world!! :)

