Today has been the first day that I have not gone outside for the majority of the day to clean up limbs...and it feels great..although I probably should! Due to lovely Ike, my dad and I have been alternating our time between our house, and my grandparents. Both suffered considerable tree loss, but that is it. We are so thankful that both houses withstood the fierce winds that Ike brought. My house does not have electricity, but my grandparents does, so we have been camping out over there for the past few days. My grandparetns and my mother have stayed in Texarkana with Russell and Meagan until this weekend. I cannot wait, though, for the electricity to be back on at my house! My
school got severly damaged, and is looking at 8-10 million dollars in damages. THey tentatively have us back in school on Monday, but not 100% about that. If you click on the hyperlink and then go to HBU damage pictures, you can see some pictures from my school. All in all, I am thankful that all of my friends and family are safe and many suffered only minor damages. It makes me feel ungrateful to complain about electricity and no BUTTER when many of our fellow Houstonians and those in Galveston are returning to nothing but an empty frame. Please continue to pray for all of those affected by IKE. It is going to be an uphill struggle, but I know that we will all come out the other side much stronger and with a greater sense of community and pride!
Glad to know y'all are safe! We should all be thankful that most of us have only minor damage compared to the big picture! What a week, huh? Love you!
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