Well folks, I have started the last chapter!! I am going to start my first of four, count them 1..2..3..4, semesters left. Things have been slow going these past 7 years and I finally feel that things are moving...fast! I start school on Monday with 15 hours (+4hrs observation a week) If you have read my previous post, you will know that I am nervous about Monday. I have reflected on this feeling and have figured out a couple of things: I just quit working for the Harms as much; I am unsure of how I am going to be making my money. I think that I am at the pivotal moment of my life and everything is coming together, which is a good thing, but it scares the CRUD out of me!! In two years, I will be a contributing member to the education of children! Not to mention the fact that I will be able to pay regular taxes and FINALLY move out!
It is just different....change, and it takes time to digest it all!
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