As the day that we celebrate our fathers I can't help but think what contribution the men in my life made to help my life be better. I have had many men mentors that were friends, brothers, father- figures and grandfathers. I love the fact that I have such great men in my life. I have not only learned how a guy should treat a girl, but have full faith in myself to beable to raise my own men one day, just by the great examples I have experienced. My father is the silent type. I don't remember having serious talks with my father. My father disciplined me when I did wrong, but only after my mother was not able to get through to me. I never wanted (and never will want to) disapoint my father. That is more devastating to me than anything in the world. He never finished college, and has had his share of mistakes, but he never let us be in need of something and we always knew we were loved, and still do. I am so thankful for such a wonderful father! Happy Father's Day to all the men in my life, and to all the fathers.
Happy Father's day to your daddy!
He takes very good care of you!
Love you!
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