I cannot wait to see what the future holds. I can't help but smile to think that this part of my journey is almost over. The next step will not be easy, but I will LOVE to have every Friday and Saturday night open!!
However, that statement is bittersweet because no matter who thinks babysitting is a "teenagers" job, I have gotten to be a part of hundreds of children's lives and have lolved every minute of it. I have gained numerous friends as mothers and fathers have left their greatest treasure in my care. What a high honor!! Think about your treasure- who would you let take care of it? Our most valuable jewels are locked up in a case where noone can see them, much less play with them!
These families not only trust me with their children but also let me in their house and enjoy memorable times with them. Many families have become family, with me being the only one besides grandparents to take care of the kids. It is and will forever be sweet, sweet memories!
For my hard work, my mom has told me that she would get me a ring the semester before I graduate. So......
Here it is!!

-make each day count!!