Why I love my job
12:38 AM | 0 Comments
The day of my birth!
11:17 PM | 0 Comments

This is me around 4 years old...
and this is me at 25.
As I turn another year older, I still get giddy at the beginning of October...cause I know that in 29 days, for one day, it will be MY day.
Eating where I want, people calling me, emailing me, and giving me things. Sounds kinda childish? maybe a little self-centered? Birthdays have always been a big thing with me. I think that it has something to do with being the baby girl! So as I turn 26 tomorrow, I can't help but wonder, is this okay? Is it normal to crave the attention on the day of your birth? I say YES!!! I will have my cake and eat it too!!
On a little more serious note though... i would like to thank all those that have made me who I am today. I know that if it were not for people loving me and encouraging me, I would not be where I am today. So I salute you! and will let you have a piece of my cake.... a little one :)
A hero Returns!
5:54 PM | 0 Comments
A good friend of mine has been in Afghanistan for the past 10-11 months. He is home and safe today! His family, pictured on the right, met him at 29 Palms to see him! He is like a brother to me and I am so proud of all that he stands for! I am glad that he is home, safe and sound.
Daily Bread
1:04 PM | 0 Comments
I have been feeling the heat of a Texas summer lately. I have not been able to really run like I have wanted to just because of my schedule and the 100+ degrees that comes to this lovely city. I have been feeling down about my lack of enthusiasm of it. Today, I received my daily bible verse via email. I could not believe what it said. It comes from Hebrews 12:1.
It says “Since
we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off
everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run
with perseverance the race marked out for us.”
BAM! there was GOD, looking at me straight in the eye, saying...Miranda, you can do it. Just run...shake off the heat, and the sense of doubt. You CAN do it!
What an inspiration for me to get up, put my shoes on, and to run my 45 minutes, praising God every minute of the race.
What a DAY!!
1:01 PM | 0 Comments
This morning, I got up around 6 and got ready for school. I take the beltway every day so therefore I have to leave pretty early to beat the traffic. As i was driving along, I noticed that my car was sort of pulling to the left, but didnt think anything of it. While crossing over Almeda Rd, I noticed a car was beside me with their window down. She was yelling something at me and pointing to my front drivers side tire. Yep! I had a flat...not just low...but the air completely out of it. I pulled to the shoulder, put my flashers on, and drove slowly down the hill to get to a bigger shoulder. I pulled over just in front of an entrance to Beltway 8. After calling my mother, who turned around and called my dad, I waited. I waited for around 20 min for them to get there so that my heroic father could change my tire. In the meantime, I listened to my radio and watched the cars drive by me, hoping that each time a tow truck came by, they did not stop. My dad came and we took out the spare tire. This proved to be a challenge because of the amount of junk that I currently have in my trunk.
My dad got down and put the jack under my car, saying to me,"I hoep someone doesn't hit me". I am holding the spare between my feet, thinking"duh". As he changes my tire I was constantly looking to make sure that the cars were moving lanes or swerving a little in ackowledgment of my father's wherabouts. After 15 minutes, my dad changed my tire, and drove off in my car. I got my books out, said thank you and sat in the passenger side of my mother's car.
We drove the Beltway to get to 59 so that I could go to school. I had a presentation due this morning that I didn't want to miss. I arrived at school at 8:30, only 30 minutes late. I walked in while the presentations were going on and was able to present mine after I had caught my breath.
WHen telling the teacher why I was late, she gave me a sympathetic look and told me to breathe deeply and collect my thoughts.
My dad, once again, saved the day, and has decided that I need to have a saturday lesson on changing a tire! This afternoon, I get to go buy a new tire, to replace the mangled rubber that is in my trunk!
My dad got down and put the jack under my car, saying to me,"I hoep someone doesn't hit me". I am holding the spare between my feet, thinking"duh". As he changes my tire I was constantly looking to make sure that the cars were moving lanes or swerving a little in ackowledgment of my father's wherabouts. After 15 minutes, my dad changed my tire, and drove off in my car. I got my books out, said thank you and sat in the passenger side of my mother's car.
We drove the Beltway to get to 59 so that I could go to school. I had a presentation due this morning that I didn't want to miss. I arrived at school at 8:30, only 30 minutes late. I walked in while the presentations were going on and was able to present mine after I had caught my breath.
WHen telling the teacher why I was late, she gave me a sympathetic look and told me to breathe deeply and collect my thoughts.
My dad, once again, saved the day, and has decided that I need to have a saturday lesson on changing a tire! This afternoon, I get to go buy a new tire, to replace the mangled rubber that is in my trunk!